Thursday, January 31, 2013

InstaLately {1/31}

InstaLately {1/31}
Let me just start off by apologizing in advance for any typos, etc. Unfortunately, last weekend my computer cord broke! How does this happen!? I have no idea, but unfortunately Best Buy did not have any universal cords that worked for my particular computer so I'm having to order one online and…

Monday, January 28, 2013

Lilla Rose Mystery Hostess Party {Sponsor Offer}

If you've been around my blog long, you probably recall my talking about my love of Lilla Rose flexi clips. I had the opportunity to review one of these amazing hair clips awhile back and absolutely fell in love. In fact, as I type this I have one in my hair! (They're perfect for throwing y…

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

InstaLately {1/23}

InstaLately {1/23}
Linking up again this week for InstaLately with Perfectly Imperfect. This is this generation's version of staying up with a flashlight and a book, reading under the covers. Too bad, it doesn't work out so well when he's hiding under the blankets on Mommy and Daddy's bed! On another…

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

InstaLately {1/16}

InstaLately {1/16}
Lately, I feel as though I've fallen a little behind (in my mind anyway) when it comes to blogging! I wish I could say we'd been extremely busy with something super fun and exciting, but the reality is- this pregnancy is draining every last ounce of my energy! Seriously! Was it this bad wit…

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Saving On Baby {Sponsored Post: Purex Baby}

Saving On Baby {Sponsored Post: Purex Baby}
When we made the decision to add onto our family, one of my big concerns was... will we be able to afford it!? Let's face it, along with all the greatness that comes with a new baby, they also add a LOT of expenses!! Being a one income family, we're already on a budget, and knew that we…

Sunday, January 13, 2013

{8 Weeks}

{8 Weeks}
Mommy Showing a little bit more already! (Apparently, I'm the only one that truly sees this...though Shaun did tell me my tummy was getting big-thanks kiddo...but I'm serious...I have one pair of jeans left that fit!!) Feeling: absolutely exhausted! Honestly, I really could sleep all day, an…

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Autism & Obsessions

Autism & Obsessions
I've heard it said before that individuals with Autism are just like the rest of us...just more extreme. When it comes to hobbies or interests, this certainly makes sense to me. For the first part of his life, Shaun was obsessed with Thomas. It's not an unusual interest, many kids adore Tho…

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Obligatory Resolutions Post

With the new year brings new resolutions. I know this post really should have come about a week ago or so, but honestly, I've been drawing a bit of a blank as to what I want to accomplish this year! In fact, I'm still not 100% sure, but came up with a few small goals for the year anyway! Get…

Friday, January 4, 2013

Life Via Instagram {1/4}

Life Via Instagram {1/4}
Based on the pictures from this week, it appears we did a LOT of shopping this week! We all had some Christmas money to spend, and took advantage of some post holiday deals! I love getting a good bargain, and this past week was FULL of them!! Shaun's new Darth Vader slippers. Found these at Kma…

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Baby Update {6 Weeks}

Baby Update {6 Weeks}
(I have to be honest, I may or may not have considered using some catchy title that may or may not have made reference to a Bieber song...but I feared that could be grounds for the hubby leaving me, and well, being that today marks our 6th year wedding anniversary...we wouldn't want that now w…