Wednesday, January 16, 2013

InstaLately {1/16}

Lately, I feel as though I've fallen a little behind (in my mind anyway) when it comes to blogging! I wish I could say we'd been extremely busy with something super fun and exciting, but the reality is- this pregnancy is draining every last ounce of my energy! Seriously! Was it this bad with Shaun? Not that I recall. (I was told it gets worse with each child!) But I cannot complain too much, because I know many would do anything to experience that exhaustion! We have been extremely blessed and I do not take that for granted. (I think if there is anything that can be learned from a miscarriage it is that!)

I usually share my instagram photos every week on Fridays, but since I got a little behind, I thought I'd just join in on Instalately with Perfectly Imperfect this week here's a little look at what we've been up to, via Instagram!

What's better than starting the post with a sleeping baby photo? Starting the post with TWO sleeping baby photos!! Does anyone remember that book/poem 'Cats Sleep Anywhere'? I don't remember all of it myself, but I can't help but think that the same could apply to kids! Sleeping on the dining room chair is not my idea of a comfy place to sleep...but it seemed to work well for him! The second photo was taken in mommy and daddy's bed...he looked so very peaceful, I couldn't resist! I'm sure one day it'll no longer be cute to take sleeping pictures of my little man, but until that day, I love them!!

Has anyone else heard of Stork Stack? There have been so many monthly subscription box services floating around the blog world, and this is one of them- all about babies! If you sign up for the subscription, each month, you get 5 new baby products delivered to your door. Who doesn't love surprises in their mailbox!? Anyway, this box was their Shower Stack, designed for expecting parents and coming with a book on swaddling, Earth Mama body butter, Sticky Belly milestone stickers, Wubbanub pacifier, Baby Legs and an Aden + Anais Swaddling Blanket. I think one of the greatest things about this type of subscription service is getting to try out products you might not have otherwise!! After opening this box, I immediately fell in love with...well, everything, but particularly the swaddling blanket...being the frugal *cough* cheap *cough* shopper that I am, I may have never considered these, but now...I can see why they're worth the money...they're AMAZING!
(And for the record, no, Stork Stack is not sponsoring this post, nor do they have the slightest idea who I am, I just really think this is a great service!! Seriously!!)

In other baby news, Shaun LOVES hanging out in Finley's nursery! He calls it 'Shaun and Finley's room'. See, he even added a little Shaun tough there with the Leg Lamp Nightlight!! (And in case you're thinking- TV in the nursery? This is the only other room in the house that we'd had the satellite and DVR hooked up, and we just never have gotten around to moving it elsewhere, but for now Shaun watches the news in here!)
Oh, and for those that have asked about the pom-poms: yes, there were a DIY project, but I have to admit I cheated a bit and bought a Martha Stewart DIY kit!!!

Shaun insisted we make a trip to Once Upon a Child this weekend (he likes looking at the VHS tapes), and while we were there, we discovered the Christmas outfits were marked down 75%! Unfortunately, the husband had my debit card and I had nothing but a little bit of pocket change, but I did manage to find this cute sleep sack for just around 90 cents! Too bad they didn't have any larger sizes so we could have gotten a head start for Shaun too!

Well, this photo seems random compared to everything else, doesn't it? These are mexican stuffed peppers with quinoa and blackbeans...and yes, a LOT of cheese...I may have a cheese addiction...but they were DELICIOUS!!


  1. You have some fun photos! I'm so happy you decided to link up because I love "meeting" new people!

    and by the way, you should blog because you want to blog and never when you don't :) Take my word for it


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24