Saturday, June 30, 2012

Blessings Unlimited (Plus A Sale!)

Blessings Unlimited (Plus A Sale!)
A few months ago, I mentioned briefly that I had become a Blessings Unlimited consultant , but I didn't really go into much detail about why I joined, or about the company itself, and since I'd had a few ask me about it, I thought I'd share a little bit with all of you! First of all, Bles…

Friday, June 29, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Dance

Five Minute Friday: Dance
Have you heard of 5 Minute Friday? It's this wonderful linkup from The Gypsy Mama- each week there is a new prompt and for 5 minutes, you just write whatever comes to mind. No over thinking, no going back and starting over, just writing. For someone like myself who over analyzes everything, thi…

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wallet Friendly Wednesday:A Plato's Closet Trip!!

Wallet Friendly Wednesday:A Plato's Closet Trip!!
Have I mentioned lately how much I love a bargain? No? Well...I LOVE a bargain. So when I discovered Wallet-Friendly Wednesday, I thought this was a great way to see how others are saving money, and to share my own money saving tips as well. So today, I am going to share with you my recent trip to P…

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Guest Room: The Reality

Guest Room: The Reality
As bloggers, we tend to put our best self forward. We don't post the craft projects that just did not turn out...or the recipe that sounded delicious but was perhaps a bit out of our range of skill. We post only the pics where we look cute, tell only the stories that paint us in a positive ligh…

Monday, June 25, 2012

And the winner is...

And the winner is...
First of all, I want to thank everyone who entered the Union28 giveaway! I wish I could give you ALL this wonderful prize! Unfortunately, I can only choose one, and that lucky winner is... Natasha H. Congrats again, Natasha! I hope you love your prize!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Oh, how Pinteresting- I Actually Did It!!

Oh, how Pinteresting- I Actually Did It!!
If you're anything like me, you probably have a ton of pins on Pinterest that you know you will never actually do! (You might even have pins about how you'll never actually accomplish all these amazing pins!) Personally though, I do try to at least attempt SOME of my Pinterest finds- partic…

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

On Recruiting Duty: So Far

On Recruiting Duty: So Far
If you're at all familiar with Marine Corps recruiting've probably heard the horror stories. We certainly had!! As a few of you may know, this is something my husband has wanted to do for some time...after 4 deployments, he was ready for a break. So, he'd actually been trying…

Friday, June 15, 2012

Celebrating Your Spouse {Union28 Review}

Celebrating Your Spouse {Union28 Review}
Today I am so excited to have been given the chance to share Union28 with all of my wonderful readers! I am sure many of you have seen this company mentioned around the blog world, or perhaps even noticed the button on my sidebar. For those who have not yet been introduced, Union28 is a wonderful c…

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Current Book None. I am waiting on a new review book to come in before starting anything else..though there are a few Nicholas Sparks books calling my name!! Current Playlist Well, my playlist is a bit too long to list the whole thing, a few recently played: Need You Now- Lady Antebellum Call Me May…

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

{31} Why I Blog

{31} Why I Blog
The last day of the 31 Day Blog Challenge! Today's Topic: Why do you blog?  I have answered this question a few times on my blog, so I apologize for the repeat for those who have been following for awhile!! I started this blog for a few reasons. First of all, when I was younger I loved to write. …

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

{30} In My Makeup Bag

{30} In My Makeup Bag
First of all, isn't my makeup bag absolutely adorable? It's a Thirty-One bag, of course and I had it embroidered with Eccl 3:11 (Ecclesiastes 3:11): He has made everything beautiful in it's time. I absolutely love it! Now onto the makeup! Generally, I keep my makeup pretty simple...most …

Monday, June 11, 2012


Time to play catch up again! To say this weekend was super busy would be an understatement, and the blog challenge got away from me...I'll be keeping this post short though...over the weekend, I managed to smash my finger in our trunk! While it's not as bad as it was (it's went from a c…

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Review: She's Got Issues by Nicole Unice

Review: She's Got Issues by Nicole Unice
From the Publisher: We’ve all got our issues! Maybe you feel like life just isn’t going your way, or you’re afraid that you don’t measure up to other people’s expectations. Perhaps you have a hard time managing your temper or have someone in your life you just can’t forgive. We deal with our “issues…

Friday, June 8, 2012

{26} An Old Photo of Me!

{26} An Old Photo of Me!
Why just one- here's a couple!! (And a big thank you to my mom for having these on her Facebook page for me to steal!!) Not sure how old I was here- two maybe?  People never believe me when I say I was a chubby is your proof!! That's me in the pink with my sisters, Hope and Heat…

Thursday, June 7, 2012

{24.25} Books & Blogs

{24.25} Books & Blogs
Day 24: Your Favorite Childhood Book I have always been a bookworm! In the second grade, my parents bought me a set of the classics and I remember thinking that was the best gift ever (until the next year when they bought me a kit to have my OWN book published!!) So needless to say, I have several c…