Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013
Oh 2012...what a BIG year this has been for our family! Time for a look back: January: We celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary. Matt started recruiting school...the beginning of a whole new adventure for our little family. Hard to believe that's been almost a year ago already! February: Matt…

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Shindigz Party Supplies

Shindigz Party Supplies
Last month, I was contacted by a wonderful party supply company called Shindigz letting me know of their awesome new military discount offer. As a military wife, I always love finding companies that are military friendly, and Shindigz most certainly is that! All military personnel and family membe…

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Frugal Fashion {Christmas Edition}

Frugal Fashion {Christmas Edition}
It's always fun to dress for the holidays, isn't it? In both my husband's and my family, we don't get super fancy...but I still can't resist adding in a little sparkle and shine for the holidays! First of all, I have to start by saying that this picture does NOT do this outfit ju…

Friday, December 28, 2012

Life Via Instagram {12/28}

Life Via Instagram {12/28}
I hope everyone had a great Christmas...ours was great! We weren't sure we were going to be able to actually go home for the holidays this year...Matt almost had to work! But thankfully he ended up with the days off and we were able to make it! It was still an odd Christmas though...our first …

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tagged! (Origami Owl Review)

Tagged! (Origami Owl Review)
Earlier this month, I shared with you a review on Origami Owl's super popular Living Lockets from my lovely sponsor, Francisca- an Independent Origami Owl Consultant. Around that same time, I was contacted on behalf of the company to review their Tagged collection , the new military dog tag insp…

Friday, December 21, 2012

Life Via Instagram {12/21}

Life Via Instagram {12/21}
Did I miss the end of the world? That was today, right? Silly Mayans. Well, since we're all still here, how about a recap of what was NOT our last week on Earth!? That excited little blur of a Shaun can only mean one thing...that's right: IT SNOWED!! If you've followed long, you probably kn…

Thursday, December 20, 2012

An Addition To Shaun's Santa List!

An Addition To Shaun's Santa List!
That's right, we are happy to announce that we are pregnant again! We weren't sure if we were going to announce it just yet, after the miscarriage last month, but we've had a string of bad news lately it seems, and wanted to share something positive. Plus, I know if anything does go wro…

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sticky Situations {A Sponsored Post}

Sticky Situations {A Sponsored Post}
As a mom to a 5 year old boy, if there's one thing I know about- it's messes! Crayons on the wall. A blizzard of flour. Mud puddles. Cotton candy bigger than your head. Diving headfirst into ice cream cones. Getting into mommy's makeup. Squirting a nearly full bottle of lotion EVERYWHE…

Saturday, December 15, 2012

On Losing Our Baby

This is not an easy post to write, and one I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to. But I have written honestly about deployments, I've written honestly about Autism, and I felt it was important to write about this too...the great thing about the blog world is finding stories from people w…

Friday, December 14, 2012


Lately there have been many jokes made about the world coming to an end next week. Does most of the world truly believe this is going to happen? Probably not. But the reality is, life could truly be over when we least expect it. We don't go to a movie theater or a mall with the thought that we …

Life Via Instagram {12/14}

Life Via Instagram {12/14}
Seems I didn't do my 'Life via Instagram' last week...not sure what happened there, but that just means lots to share this week. Actually, most of these are from last week I think. Shaun and I have been sick all this week. I'm going to blame, for the most part, the crazy weather. H…