Monday, November 13, 2023

Five Ways To Achieve Healthy, Glowing Skin

 When we look good, we feel good - which is why we often spend so much money trying to achieve healthy, glowing skin. In fact, the average American spends approximately $322 a year on skin care each year, which amounts to over $15,000 over a lifetime.

However, the truth is, you don’t need to break the bank in order to have perfect skin - and here are some simple ways in which you can achieve healthy, glowing skin! 

Photo by Raphael Lovaski on Unsplash

Drink more water.

Drinking more water is one of the easiest ways to restore your skin's natural glow. This is because it ensures that your skin is properly hydrated, which can improve skin elasticity and prevent wrinkles or other signs of aging. Ideally, you should drink between 6-8 glasses of water a day.

Use the right products. 

When it comes to stocking your skincare shelf or cupboard, it's important that you choose your products carefully. Despite common misconception, you don’t need a 100-step routine in order to achieve flawless skin - in fact, less is often more. For example, if you have sensitive skin, it’s better to use fewer products. You should also ensure that you rely on herbal skin care, as these products are made with natural ingredients and are, therefore, less likely to cause irritation or breakouts.

Be consistent.

While you may expect overnight results from your new skincare products, it often takes a few weeks to see the benefits of your efforts. For this reason, it's important that you are as consistent as possible within your skincare routine. Again, your routine does not need to be overly complicated or time-consuming; as little as five minutes each morning and evening can make a real difference. If you tend to forget to do your skincare, try setting an alarm on your phone so that you hold yourself more accountable. 

Get more sleep.

Working to improve your sleeping habits can also benefit your skin. This is because, during sleep, our body enters recovery mode. During this time, it replenishes collagen, a protein that is responsible for skin elasticity and fullness. As proper sleep can also reduce stress and anxiety; this can also help to prevent breakouts.

Understand your breakout triggers.

While stress is often a key trigger for bad skin, especially when it comes to acne breakouts, understanding other triggers is also key when trying to achieve healthy, glowing skin. After all, it means you know exactly what to avoid or what to enjoy in moderation in order to retain your natural glow. While this can vary from person to person, common triggers include: 

  • Foods with high sugar content 

  • Changes in outdoor temperature 

  • Humidity

  • Exposure to certain chemicals/skincare ingredients 

  • Medications 

In short, while you may be feeling frustrated with your reflection in the mirror, it's important to remember that there are many ways to improve your skin - without having to break your bank in the process. However, you should also remember that we’re all beautiful in our own way - and nobody looks as flawless as they do on their Instagram in real life.


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