Friday, April 14, 2023

Benefits of Writing Scripture: You Are Loved Scripture Writing Journal + Gift Set #youareloved #scripturewritingjournal @warnerpress

 *Gift set received for consideration. All thoughts are my own. 

Are you looking for ways to deepen your faith and grow closer to God? Scripture writing can be a simple and beneficial way to do just that. This is something that anyone can do, and it's something that doesn't have to take a ton of time either. 

So, what are the benefits of writing out scripture? 

It encourages you to slow down and spend more time in God's word.

It doesn't take long to read a Bible verse. A few seconds and you're done and moved on to the next verse. Writing out a verse by hand, however, takes longer. We are looking at the words as we're writing, and as such are allowing us more time to really reflect on JUST that verse and letting them soak in. By taking that time, you might find yourself noticing details that you had previously overlooked.

It aids in memorization.

Do remember in school when we would have to write out our spelling and vocab words over and over? Doing so helped us to remember those words and their meanings. Writing things down by hand is one of the best ways to remember them... and scripture writing is no different. Because we're slowing down and truly focussing on the words, it allows them to sink in more than simply reading. 

It leaves a lasting reminder of your faith.

By writing down scriptures- whether on their own or with your own journaled thoughts as well- you have a physical representation of your personal faith. This is something that you can pass along and appreciate for generations to come. 

Ready to start scripture writing yourself? Today, I'm excited to share a journal and gift set that allows you to do just that. Take a look:

This journal is absolutely wonderful. It features 52 scriptures and affirmations plus space to write scriptures, journal, and reflect each week. I feel like it has a good amount of space to write the scriptures out, and also a good amount of room for journaling thoughts. Admittedly, I sometimes can get a little wordy when I start to reflect, but I still felt like this gave me a good amount of room to write. It has a beautiful floral design throughout the pages, which I absolutely loved. I love its larger (closer to a regular notebook) size, and I think that could make this really very appropriate for preteens and teens as well as adults too. 

The scripture cards feature that same floral design, but whereas the inside of the journal is grayscale, the cards are full color...and absolutely gorgeous. These are the same affirmations and scriptures that we see in the journal as well. I love the idea of putting that week's scripture somewhere that you can easily see it--- on your mirror, desk, etc--- so that it is really giving you that reminder all throughout the week. I think these would also be great for spreading encouragement to those who might need that as well. 

This is a beautiful collection and one that is perfect for reminding us about God's love for each and every one of us. 

You can learn more and purchase yours here:

For the month of April and May, you can save 30% off the You Are Love collection. Use the code BLOG30 at checkout to save.

Do you write out scripture? What benefits have you found? How could the You Are Love collection strengthen your time in God's word? 


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24