Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Tips for making the move to London


No matter if you’re from the UK or anywhere else in the world, we’ve got some top tips to help you make your move to the big smoke a little easier. There are tons of reasons why people from all over the world move to London. It’s got so much culture and history, not to mention a stunning skyline.


Understand the Cost of Living

As it’s widely known, London can be expensive, which is why it's a good idea to work out your cost of living before you move. Will you need to pay for bills, or will they be included in your rent? How much will you need for food shopping? Will you join a gym? Simply having a ball-park figure is going to help you manage your finances. There are also several ways you can save money.

Search for vouchers online before paying full price for anything and take advantage of free exhibitions.


Make Sure Your Accommodation Is Arranged

It’s worthwhile sorting out your accommodation before you move. Although this may feel daunting, as you won’t get to see the place in person, it’ll save you a ton of stress when settling into your new life. Before you start your home search, think about exactly where in London you want to live. With 32 boroughs, the options can feel endless, so it's best to have a rough idea of where you want to be. Another tip is to search for single rooms to rent in London. This way, you can meet new people who can help your ease into your new life.


Try to Make New Friends Right Away

Making friends as an adult can be tricky, but it's a great way to get you settled in. If you’ve already got a job lined up, explain to your colleagues that you’re new to the area, and ask if they want to grab a drink after work. Alternatively, you could look for groups to join to meet like-minded people. Interested in reading? Join a book club in your area.


Enjoy the City

Moving and starting a new job can be super stressful, so in those first few months when it might be challenging, try to always remind yourself of the reasons why you moved. Was it for the stunning architecture? Take a walk around a new area and immerse yourself in it. Was it for the wide range of multicultural food? Take yourself out for cuisine you’ve never tried before.


Be Realistic

Go into your move with realistic expectations. We see London so often in glamorous films and TV shows, and it can be easy to slip into the expectation that your life will be that way. However, nobody’s life is perfect all the time, no matter where they live. So, think realistically so you’ll be prepared for those hard days when they arise. If you are feeling homesick, think about why you moved, call a loved one, or spring for a take-out to cheer yourself up.


Living in London has so much to offer, so enjoy the ride and try to embrace all that the vibrant city has to offer.



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