Monday, July 18, 2022

God's Great Embrace: Book Review + Giveaway #GodsGreatEmbrace #ChristianBookReview #GodLovesYou #GraceUponGrace

**Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own. 

As Christians, the most important book that we can (and should) read is the Bible. No number of Christian living books can replace it in truly strengthening our relationship with God... still, for those of us who aren't as knowledgeable in theology, these types of nonfiction Christian reads can help us to better understand and apply those Biblical principles into our lives. God's Great Embrace is one of those books, and I was happy to be given the chance to check it out for myself. 

About the Book:

Imagine experiencing the same unshakable joy Jesus had while he walked this earth. Feeling for yourself his inherent sense of love and belonging, peace and assurance, purpose and fulfillment, despite life's sufferings.

All this can indeed be yours!

Take a journey through God's Great Embrace and explore the wonder and mystery of the believer's union with Christ. Come to know true freedom through sharing in the life of Abba's Son, Jesus. Full of stories, rich truths, and an abundance of practical applications, this engaging book presents a profound yet easy-to-read biblical exploration of the triune God's love and grace in a way that's sure to encourage and inspire you as well as challenge and transform you.

About the Author:

ADRIAN BEST studied the biblical truth of union with Christ as a Doctor of Theology for three years at the University of Divinity, Australia. Professionally, Adrian is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. He is actively involved in his local church and loves spending time with Heidi, his wife of twenty years, and their three young children. In his spare time, Adrian enjoys keeping fit, playing piano, and reading about theology and artificial intelligence.

My Thoughts:

"In Christ". We hear this phrase a lot as Christians don't we? It's heard in songs, we see it in scriptures, it's heard in expressions tossed about at church... but what does it really mean to live in Christ? This book does a really great job of reminding readers of just what that means and how we are to live our lives as Christian with our focus on Jesus alone. 

In reading this book, I can clearly see that not only is this a subject that the author is passionate about, but also one that has been well researched and thought out. There are many scriptures referenced throughout. I feel like it is so important when we are reading Christian nonfiction that we also line it up with what the Bible tells us, so seeing these scriptures in abundance throughout is great. There are also references made to various writing from other great Christian scholars as well, which I also appreciated.

And while all of that might seem great on paper, it means nothing if it's difficult for the reader to understand. Thankfully, I did not find that to be the case here. God's Great Embrace did a great job of taking all of these things and putting it in a way that made sense and felt applicable to me. At the end of the book, there are questions for reflection and discussion, these are great to consider on your own, but could also make this a great option to be used in a group setting as well. 

If you're looking for a book that can help you grow in your Christian walk, and help you to truly live in Christ, this is one worth checking out. 

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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24