Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Things you can do to extend support to your artist friends


Following a creative approach can often get discouraging when you do not get any support or appreciation from your friends and family. If you have an artist friend, you should do everything within your limit to support them and their art. It takes a lot of struggle and courage to enter the artistry field. It is not always about the money; there are several other ways to show your support to your friends. This article cites some tips for you to help your artist friends grow in their field. Read on!


Share their work

Today, most people have their accounts on different social media platforms. You, as a friend, can utilize your social media to share the artist friend; 's work with others in your network. Put up their stories, add their statuses, and mention their bio link for the viewers to get access to the artist's profile.


Take them to Art Galleries.

Art galleries are heaven for artists. They have artwork from renowned artists like Julie Blackmon, Homegrown, and others to view and take inspiration for future ideas. Visit the art galleries and exhibitions with your friend and allow them to take their time to read and study different artists. It will help them understand the art better and comprehend which art interests them more.


Show up for their events.

We always try to meet our friends on their birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, and other important events. Likewise, it is essential to make time when they hold an event related to their art. Whether they have put up their craft in an exhibition or for sale in the local market, you should be there to cheer them up. Mark their important events on your calendar and visit them that day, so if nobody comes up, at least you will be there. Share their event information on various platforms to call as many people as possible.


Encourage them to collaborate.

Do you know someone or recently contacted someone who can benefit your friend? Take their contact information and share it with your friend. Encourage your artist friend to speak with them and collaborate to get a different experience. It can be monetary or a simple marketing collaboration, but insist them on doing so.


Be a help whenever possible.

If you know your friend is up for an event or is preparing something important for his carer, lend a helping hand. Try to spare some time and ask your friend if you can be of help. It can be as small as bridging something to the event venue or assisting them in their exhibitions. Many artists need help but do not ask for it because they do not have the resources to outsource the duties. So, try and be the friend in need.


Wrapping Up

Offering moral support to your artist friend can help him focus on his art and improve with time. A little push from one end can mean a lot to people who see no ray of hope. Always be an honest critic. Instead of using a rude tone and negative comments, help them understand your view so they can implement it accordingly in their art. Ask them about their progress, the next event, the next sale, etc. It keeps them motivated to work harder. In the end, you will be happy to see your friend succeed in his field.



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