Friday, May 27, 2022

Jesus Says Go: Spread the Gospel with a FREE Action Kit from GO Movement @gomovementusa #JESUSSAYSGO #sharethegospel #gospel #jesussaves #salvation #gomovement #evangelism #evangelist #jesus

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."- Mark 16:15

As Christians, most of us have heard this verse a time or two. It is just one of the verses that tells us that we are to go out into the world and share the news of Jesus. 

But for many of us, that can be something we struggle with. It is not by lack of trying or lack of wanting to talk about Jesus, but rather we can feel ill equipped to do so. Perhaps we feel that our knowledge of Biblical teachings is not where it should be. Perhaps we feel that is best left up to the preachers, or those with a better knack for teaching. Perhaps we feel as though our reach is too small to make any difference. There are many reasons that might keep us from spreading the word. But imagine what a difference we could make in the world if each one of us shared the gospel and reached just one person. And if those shared just one and reached just one. What if that one person we reached becomes the one who reaches millions? 

But where do we start?

GO MVMT (Go Movement) exists to help people spread the gospel.  Go Movement is a global collaboration of individuals, churches, and ministries working together to catalyze a world-wide groundswell of evangelism! The month of May is the catalyst.

“GO Movement has the potential to be a movement of God’s people and the Gospel like never before in the history of the Church”. -Dave Gibson

When you visit the GO Movement website, you can find resources to help each and every one of us better spread God's word. Oh what a difference this could make in a world that clearly is in such a desperate need of Jesus!

Today, I want to encourage each and every one of you to head over and download the FREE action kit to get started, through this month and beyond. 
You can learn more at :


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24