Friday, May 13, 2022

5 Secrets You Must Know Before Becoming A Discipleship Leader

 Becoming a disciple-maker is a long and daunting journey as it takes a lot to convince people about faith and make them stick around for the long haul. You require more than relentless commitment and passion to multiply the numbers and expand your disciple group over time. Qualities like faith in oneself and God, convincing power, and good communication can make you a leader. Moreover, you can follow some tried and tested secrets that successful discipleship leaders rely on. Here are the ones you must know before embarking on the journey

Strengthen your core with prayer

A great discipleship leader must have a strong core, and praying every day helps you build and strengthen it. Prayer should not be an activity, rather it should be a lifestyle, just like breathing and eating. Start your day with it and schedule prayer time throughout the day. Think beyond the schedules and pray every time you want to remember God and count your blessings.

Help others step out in faith

As you start meeting people and making disciples, you will encounter many who have doubts and apprehension. Understand the reasons for their apprehension and help them overcome their challenges. It enables them to step out in faith and walk on the path of belief forever. With this approach, you can create followers for a lifetime and use them as instruments to spread the word

Invest in yourself

Great discipleship leaders are not born, rather they invest in themselves to imbibe qualities that set them apart. You may have some traits inherently, but joining a discipleship training program helps you make up for the shortcomings. You learn what really moves people and builds their trust. Developing skills also makes you more confident in your words and interactions, so it is easy to connect with people and retain them as loyal followers.

Help people assume responsibility 

Making disciples is also about teaching people to lead because you expect them to assume responsibility and do their bit eventually. Invest faith in others and encourage them to give their best. Everyone has a different way of working on things, so give them a chance to take charge and proceed in their own way. They may make mistakes as they learn the ropes, but encourage them to learn from mistakes. It enables them to emerge as strong leaders who can take your mission ahead

Prioritize your message

As a discipleship leader, you play the role of a  messenger who shares a message with disciples. Your mission is not about leading a group but spreading God's message far and wide. Your message should always be the priority, whether you have a dozen followers or the size of the disciple group grows to thousands. Keep the message simple and clear so that people can understand it and connect with it. 

Becoming a discipleship leader is a long journey, and everything boils down to winning the trust of people and retaining it for the long haul. Imbibe these secrets to win on both fronts.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24