Monday, May 16, 2022

A Guide to the First Trimester of Pregnancy


If you have just received wonderful news that means an addition to the family is expected, congratulations are due! The first trimester starts from the first day of your last period until the 13th week of pregnancy, which is a time for major changes in your body and knowing what to expect helps you to prepare for the second and third trimesters.

Everyone is different

Some women have absolutely no problems during their pregnancy, while others suffer almost from day one; slight bleeding is common in the first trimester, when light spots are normal, as this is a sign that the fertilized embryo has implanted in the uterus. You may feel the constant urge to pee in the first trimester, as a growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder; you shouldn’t drink less water, as your body needs the extra hydration during this time.

Sore breasts

Many women suffer from this annoying condition, which is due to hormonal changes, as your milk ducts expand in preparation for feeding. This might last for the entire 1st trimester and is nothing to be concerned about, although it is obviously uncomfortable. Wearing a slightly larger bra might help ease the discomfort, or even a special support bra, which you can wear throughout the whole pregnancy.


This is perfectly normal when you are with child to see a light milky white discharge, especially early on and if there is an unpleasant odor, you should make an appointment with your doctor. If the discharge is yellow or green, this is a sign to visit your doctor for an examination. Click here for information about customised skin care, which is worth reading.


It is normal to feel constantly fatigued, as your body takes on the extra stress of having a growing life within and this is a time when you need plenty of iron, which you can supplement with a daily pill. Take rests as you need them and it does get better as you get used to the changes that are occurring within.


Your body produces more progesterone than usual when you are with child, which relaxes some muscles, including the esophagus and this leads to acid reflux, which is very uncomfortable. This can be relieved by eating slower, with smaller portions and don’t lie down straight after eating. Also, it might help to avoid acidic fruit, which can set off heartburn.

Mood swings

Some women find extreme mood swings, getting angry at the slightest thing, or bursting into tears for no apparent reason; this is due to the major changes in the hormonal system and once you know this, hang on for the rollercoaster ride and rationalize things, trying to keep your emotions in check.

Dreaded morning sickness

Alas, around 80% of women suffer with morning sickness and it can last for several months; eat light meals and sip water often and eventually, this stage will pass. Here’s hoping you are in that 20% minority.

There are many pregnancy guides to be found online and this will help you to prepare for what will be a joyous time in your life, as you start your family.





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