Friday, July 10, 2020

Jane Doe Blog Tour: Book Review + Giveaway

**I received a complimentary copy of this book for consideration. All thoughts are 100% my own.

About the Book

Book:  Jane Doe
Author: Lillian Duncan
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: June 26, 2020

A Broken Body. A Broken Mind. What If She Wasn’t The Last Victim?

Raven Marks survives a brutal kidnapping but just barely. Along with a broken body, her mind is broken. She wants to put the past behind her, but nightmarish memories won’t let her. . .At first because she doesn’t have them, and then because she does.

Even though her fractured memory can’t recall every detail, she’s haunted by one thought: What if she wasn’t the last victim? Her search for answers leads her to the highest politicians in the land. Each reclaimed memory brings her closer to the truth—and to even more danger.

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Lillian Duncan… turning faith into fiction.
Lillian lives in a small town in Ohio with her husband. She writes the types of books she loves to read. Even though her books cross genres, they have one thing in common, faith-based stories that demonstrate God’s love—and lots of action. OK, that’s two things.
She was a school speech pathologist for over 30 years but retired in 2012 after being diagnosed with bilateral brain tumors due to Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2), a rare genetic disease.
Whether as an educator, a writer, or a speech pathologist, she believes in the power of words to transform lives, especially God’s Word. To learn more about Lillian and her books,

More from Lillian

JANE DOE is my latest novel and it’s a doozy!
What’s the genre you ask? It’s suspense with lots of drama and action…but it also a political thriller…but it also has a lot of mystery components…but there’s the romance element as well… and let’s not forget the spiritual message! No matter what genre you classify it as, it’s one I think you’ll enjoy!
So how did JANE DOE come about?
I’d finished all my edits on a current book and was feeling very uninspired. I had no idea for my next story, so I went on FB and asked people to send me an idea for my next suspense novel. An old high school friend sent me the suggestion to write a story where the main character struggled with memory loss.
Mmmm… but the old amnesia plot has been done and it’s a big no-no that writing experts warn against. I took the challenge and wrote JANE DOE. It’s definitely not your typical amnesia plot, but the main character is haunted by her memories.
First, because she doesn’t have them and then because she does!
Raven Marks survives a brutal kidnapping but just barely. Along with a broken body, her mind is broken. Even though she can’t remember the details of her kidnapping, she’s haunted by the thought that someone else is being victimized by the kidnapper she can’t remember.
Her journey to discover the truth leads her to the highest politicians in the state and then the country. Each reclaimed memory brings her closer to the truth—and to even more danger.
I’m not going to give away the plot, but there’s plenty of twists and turns to keep you reading late into the night!

My Thoughts

Christian suspense is by far my favorite genre, so I am always interested in discovering new to me authors... authors like Lillian Duncan. While this is the first time I'd read any of her work, Jane Doe had me wanting more.

I must admit though, when I first started reading I didn't think that would be the case. The suspense started right from the first page as we meet Raven as she's being tortured by her unknown kidnapper. What a way to start! It was quite a dark start to the novel, and I feared that it might actually be too dark. While I love this genre, I wasn't sure I could handle the torture aspect of it. Still, I was intrigued and read on...and on and on. Can you imagine waking up in a hospital and not remembering months of your life? Knowing something bad had happened but not knowing what it was...or who was responsible? This story kept me in its grips and did not let me go right through to the very end. Seriously, I read it in less than a day because I just couldn't stand to put it down.

While the topic was quite dark, there was also really great faith content in this book too... more than is often seen in the genre. There were great messages about trusting God and I loved seeing Raven cling to her faith through all that she had been through. And of course, there was a great romance thrown in to the mix as well! Overall, it was a fantastic story and one that fans of Christian suspense are certainly going to enjoy. I know I did.

Blog Stops

By The Book, July 4 (Author Interview)
Betti Mace, July 6
Andrea Christenson, July 7 (Author Interview)
For the Love of Literature, July 12 (Author Interview)
Bigreadersite, July 12
Artistic Nobody, July 13 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)


To celebrate her tour, Lillian is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon Gift Card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. Excellent review! I enjoy a good page-turner. Thank you for hosting.

  2. This sounds like a great read.

  3. I am enjoying these tours and finding all the terrific books my family is enjoying reading. Thanks for bringing them to us and keep up the good work.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24