Friday, July 10, 2020

Get Your Kids Engaged With A Declutter Project

Keeping the kids busy is a challenge for any mother, particularly when they are bored and cooped up as in the current pandemic situation. And things can be even tougher if you want them to do something productive. Still, parenting is all about finding possibilities for the impossible, and mommies have the talent that is needed to achieve the mission. Getting the little ones engaged with a declutter project is a great idea you can try this stay-at-home season. You will just have to apply a few easy tricks to convince them for doing an amazing job. Here are some you can try.

Teach them to purge
The biggest problem with young children is that they aren’t really happy with the idea of purging the old stuff. But that’s exactly what they need to do for effective decluttering. The first thing you need to do, therefore, is to teach them the importance of giving up the old stuff. Show them the joy of giving and they will definitely be happy to give away their toys, books, clothes, and stuff to someone who needs them. Though it wouldn’t be easy to convince them, try to do it by narrating stories or showing a movie. As a rule, ask them to check stuff at the end of every month and set aside things they do not need or use.

Explain that ownership comes with responsibility
As a parent, you would love to pamper your child, but it is equally important to teach them that ownership comes with responsibility. If you are getting them the stuff they want, it is their duty to take care of things. Explain to them the principles of Home Organizing, from putting clothes in their closets to keeping books on the shelf after reading and not leaving their toys strewn around on the floor. Have them clean their room twice a day, in the morning and evening. Help them initially and let them take over the responsibility eventually.

Guide by action
Parents are the first teachers for children, so you can start early with guiding them through your action. The child is more likely to emulate your actions rather than just obey your commands. Whenever you go on a declutter drive for any part of your living space, seek their help or at least have them present. Make the project exciting for them so that they are more than happy to participate. For example, you can engage them in checking the expiry dates of food and drinks when cleaning up the kitchen or refrigerator. Or you can get their help for packing the stuff to be taken out to be given to charity. Take them along to the charity organization where you donate because the experience of giving would teach them the value of gratitude.

Decluttering may sound boring to adults but kids can find it exciting, provided that you make it that way for them. Just follow these creative ideas and you can definitely engage them for a productive contribution to your declutter projects.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24