Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Thief of Lanwyn Manor: Celebrate Lit Blog Tour + Review

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. All thoughts are 100% my own. 


About the Book

Book: The Thief of Lanwyn Manor
Author: Sarah E. Ladd
Genre: Regency Romance
Release Date: January 7, 2020

In this sweet Regency romance, Julia knows Matthew Blake, copper mine owner and very eligible bachelor, is the gentleman she should set her eyes upon. But why can’t she steal her gaze away from his younger brother, Isaac?

Cornwall, England 1818—Julia Twethewey needs a diversion to mend her broken heart, so when her cousin invites her to Lanwyn Manor, Julia eagerly accepts. Lanwyn Manor is at the heart of Cornwall’s mining industry, and as a guest Julia is swept into its intricate world. It’s not long, though, before she realizes something dark lurks in the home’s ancient halls.

As a respected mine owner’s younger son, Isaac Blake is determined to keep his late father’s legacy alive through the family business, despite his brother’s careless attitude. In order to save their livelihood—and the livelihood of those around them—the brothers approach the master of Lanwyn Manor with plans to bolster the floundering local industry. Isaac can’t deny his attraction to the man’s charming niece, but his brother has made his intentions to court the lovely guest clear. And Isaac knows his place.

When tragedy strikes, mysteries arise, and items go missing, Julia and Isaac find they are pulled together in a swirl of strange circumstances, but despite their own best efforts to bow to social expectations, their hearts aren’t so keen to surrender.

About the Author

Sarah E. Ladd received the 2011 Genesis Award in historical romance for The Heiress of Winterwood. She is a graduate of Ball State University and has more than ten years of marketing experience. Sarah lives in Indiana with her amazing family and spunky golden retriever. Visit her online at; Facebook: SarahLaddAuthor; Twitter: @SarahLaddAuthor.

Read an Excerpt

Click Here to read an excerpt from the book.  

My Review

The Thief of Lanwyn Manor
is book number two in The Cornwall Novels series by Sarah E. Ladd. Having read and loved the first book in this series- The Governess of Penwythe Hall, I could not wait to read this next one. If you have not yet read the first one, I would still highly recommend it as it truly was a great read, but if you haven't this reads very well as a standalone too. You will see some familiar characters, but the story itself is completely unrelated so you will not feel as though you are missing something by not reading the first.

The action in The Thief of Lanwyn Manor starts right at the beginning, drawing me in immediately. That being said, I did find that it slowed down considerable for a good middle chunk of the book- for me anyway. As such, it took me a little longer to really get back into the story after that. About halfway through the mystery really picked up and at that point I found myself unable to put it down until I reached the end.
This book is full of twists and turns--- some that I saw coming and some that took me by surprise in the best way possible. I loved this idea of curses, hidden passageways, treasures, etc. I've always loved that type of story- even as a young girl so it really drew me in in that way too. Though I would normally say that I love the mysteries in these type of stories more than anything (and this WAS a good one there too), for me the love story in this one really stuck out! I loved watching the relationship between Julia and Isaac--- their chemistry was really great, and really had me rooting for them to end up together. I could have read even more about these two long after the mystery was solved.
Whether you love a good mystery or just a sweet, clean romance, The Thief of Lanwyn Manor is definitely one to check out! While I must admit I enjoyed the first book more, I still loved this one too! I cannot wait to read more from the author!

Blog Stops

Genesis 5020, January 13
Bigreadersite, January 15
Texas Book-aholic, January 15
Pause for Tales, January 16
Wishful Endings, January 16
deb’s Book Review, January 16
Betti Mace, January 17
KarenSueHadley, January 17
Robin’s Nest, January 18
Remembrancy, January 19
Hallie Reads, January 20
Blogging With Carol, January 20
Life of Literature, January 21
Danielle Lozada, January 21
She Lives to Read, January 22
By The Book, January 23
SPLASHES of Joy, January 23
Mary Hake, January 24
Back Porch Reads, January 24
Daysong Reflections, January 24
Mamma Loves Books, January 25
Hookmeinabook, January 26
Simple Harvest Reads, January 26 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)


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