Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How To Be A Successful Working Mom

Being a full-time working mom can be challenging, but there’s no reason why you can’t be a fantastic mother and excel in your career at the same time. Fortunately, there are many simple ways to reduce stress and balance work and family life. With this in mind, here are some useful tips on how to be a successful working mom.

Find a Career You Love

You are likely to be working well into your later years, so it’s important that you get enjoyment and satisfaction from your job role. If you’re not happy in your current job, then look at alternative careers that may be more suited to your interests. Luckily, it is now easy to expand your education and gain additional qualifications with the help of online courses. For instance, New England College degrees offer a wide range of fully-flexible courses that can be completed online from the comfort of your own home. This is particularly convenient if you’re a mom in full-time employment, as you can easily fit study around your busy schedule and learn at your own pace. If there’s a particular career you think you would enjoy, then research how to get qualified and secure a role in that industry. Remember, it’s never too late to retrain in a new field and pursue a career that you love.

Maintain a Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is important for everyone, especially working moms. While work is important, it’s equally important to focus on your family life. Working overtime and taking tasks home with you may be necessary from time to time; for example, you may be working on an important project with an approaching deadline. However, you should try to avoid making this a regular occurrence as it can lead to stress and burnout. Make sure you take time to relax and recharge at the end of a busy day. You should also avoid bringing work home from the office or checking your emails and messages when you are at home. This will give you the chance to switch off from your work responsibilities and focus on your family life.

Find Quality Childcare

If you and your partner both work full-time, then it's highly likely that you will be required to arrange care for your children. Start by seeing whether any of your family members or friends are available to watch your children once or twice a week. This will give you peace of mind knowing that your children are being cared for by someone you know and trust. Plus, you will save lots of money on childcare costs. If you don’t have any family or friends that can care for your children, then research professional daycare centers or nannies in your local area and ask other parents for recommendations. If you're hiring a nanny, be sure to look for someone with good references and a history of long-term commitments to other families. When it comes to daycare centers, Parents advises looking for a center that offers flexible hours, outdoor space for play, a low teacher-to-student ratio, and up-to-date licenses.


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