Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Four Ways To Truly Enjoy Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner, and if you’re like most adults (even though many won’t admit it), rather than feeling the excitement that you did when you were a kid, you’ll be feeling worried and stressed. You might be concerned about getting the right presents and spending enough money, and thinking about how best to impress or make it the best Christmas possible. You might even be hoping that the big day just hurries up and is done with sooner rather than later.

Maybe this is how you think Christmas is when you’re an adult, but the truth is, Christmas is what we make it – if you want to enjoy it more and worry about it less, there are many different ways to try and do this.

Remember The True Meaning

Part of the reason that so many people get uptight about Christmas is that they have forgotten what the true meaning behind this celebration is. It’s not about who can spend the most on gifts or have the most decorated house on the block. It’s not about eating and drinking too much and feeling guilty about it. It’s about Jesus’s birth and what that means to you. It’s a time to think. It’s a time to be with family, and enjoying their company.

By taking a moment to remember the true meaning of Christmas and forgetting about the commercial aspect of it, you can re-set your thinking and assess exactly how to make your Christmas right for you.

Don’t Take On Too Much

Of course, enjoying yourself at Christmas is important, and even if you have chosen to cut down (or do away with) gift giving and you don’t want a huge feast, you’ll still want to have some fun. Trying to organize everything yourself is sure to dampen the excitement of the season, so try to outsource where possible. You can outsource holiday party rentals, for example, and have bounce houses, inflatable slides, and even thrill rides and carnival games at your gathering. Everyone will be entertained, and you won’t have to do very much at all.

Buy Experiences

Buying lots of ‘things’ can be stressful. Half of them will barely be looked at, and the others might be bought last minute because you didn’t know what else to do. Wouldn’t it be better to buy gifts that people will truly appreciate and that will last a lifetime?

Buying experiences rather than tangible gifts is a great way to have an enjoyable Christmas. Seeing people open the envelopes and the beam on their faces as they realize they get to do something they’ve always wanted to do is priceless.


Since Christmas should be more about giving than receiving, why not volunteer over the festive period? You can involve the whole family, and even make it an annual tradition. You can help cook a meal at a homeless shelter, or go visit an elderly neighbor who has no family around them. You can even volunteer at an animal shelter and walk the dogs on Christmas Day.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24