Thursday, February 5, 2015

Making the Story of Christ New Again: Behold the King of Glory Book Review & Family Christian Giveaway #FCBlogger

**Product received for review. All thoughts are my own.

Moms, do your kiddos have that movie or book in their life that they just cannot get enough of? Perhaps you loved it yourself the first time or two but after the hundredth time or so it just seemed to lose its appeal? There's nothing new, there's nothing exciting- it's just the same old same old. We've all been there right?

But what about the stories in the Bible? Do you ever find those getting tiring as well. Like those movies or stories your kids love, it's not that they're not great stories- it's simply that you've read them a million times over and they've lost the awe factor. You need something fresh and new to peek your interest again. That is just what pastor Russ Ramsey sets out to do in Behold the King of Glory- make the story of Jesus new again! Take a look:

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus stand at the heart of the Christian faith. For many, however, the story is so familiar that it no longer instills a profound sense of awe and wonder. In this carefully researched retelling of the gospel story, pastor Russ Ramsey seeks to reinvigorate readers' appreciation for Jesus Christ by helping believers and nonbelievers alike encounter the truth about Jesus's life, work, and message in a fresh and compelling way.

Designed to be read at any time of the year, Behold the King of Glory follows the ministry of Jesus in one continuous narrative, culminating in his dramatic arrest, execution, and resurrection. Creatively written yet rooted in the Bible, this resource will reawaken readers' appreciation for Jesus Christ, the King of Glory.

Now, I'll admit- there are parts of the Bible I love reading and could read time and again myself- but the gospels don't tend to be among them. The stories are amazing to say the least but either the way it reads like a history book (not my best subject) or the fact that I again had heard these same stories told the same way throughout my childhood in church, they just could not hold my appeal the way other books in the Bible could. From the first page of Behold the King of Glory I knew right away that this would not be the case here. Rather than reading like a history book, I felt like I was reading a novel! The stories were still there, perhaps some quotes and feelings were imagined (though done so with great Biblical research) but the messages and the takeaway was still the same-just being told in a whole new light. I was drawn in all over again!

For the purpose of this review, I read continuously, but I love the idea of reading this as a devotional as well. The chapters are quite short, and perfect to be read daily. In the opening, it even mentions using it for a devotional for the 40 days of Lent...a perfect fit with 40 chapters! Now, I don't personally celebrate Lent myself, but even still the timing would be ideal to get us in the spirit for the upcoming Easter holiday! A reminder that this day is not about egg hunts or the Easter Bunny or chocolate, but about the story of he lived and died for each and every one of us. And what a story this is...powerful, dramatic, moving...the story of Jesus' life and death deserves to be remembered as such- not the same ol' story we hear year after year. And for that Behold the King of Glory is a must read!

Behold the King of Glory is available to purchase now at Family Christian. You can find more great Christian books and see everything Family Christian has to offer at the links below:

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And one very lucky reader is going to have the chance to win a $10 Appreciation Certificate to Family Christian! Enter using the Rafflecopter form below:

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Winner will be contacted via e-mail after giveaway ends, and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. One entry per household, winning entry will be verified. Odds of winning depend on valid entries received. A Modern Day Fairy Tale is not responsible for prize delivery.


  1. You've actually made THIS sound like a wonderful book to buy! I'd get this or a study version of the Bible.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24