Friday, February 6, 2015

January via Instagram

Is anyone else in disbelief that it is February already? It seems like 2015 just began! Whew! January was a fun month for us- despite the cold. Take a look at how we kept ourselves busy via Instagram.

I chopped off and donated my hair. I miss my long hair, but it was for a great cause and I was happy to do my part to help!

This little man picked out his own clothes for school. Quite handsome, I must say.

This one picked out her own clothes too. Such a little princess!

They loved one another...and their new Frozen cups!

Shaun took this fabulous picture of sister!

Finley was my little cleaning helper.

And a great eater.

We loved snuggling to keep warm.

We did arts and crafts.

And looked adorable.

We decorated our faces with stickers.

And occasionally, we even slept.


  1. I like your new 'do and think it's great you donated your hair. I want one of those Frozen cups for myself! Your little guy looks adorable all dressed up.

  2. They are so adorable! I love seeing kids eat. They always look so intense :)


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24