Friday, February 6, 2015

A New Kind of House Call: A Doctor on Demand Review & Coupon Code #FeelBetter #ad

This is a sponsored post with Mums the Word Network and Doctor on Demand. All opinions are my own.

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Oh winter...the season of fun in the snow, snuggling up with a warm blanket, and sickness! It seems as though every time we turn around there is yet another bug going around. Colds, flus, coughs and can be never ending...especially with a little one at school!

As parents, it seems to be second nature to worry about our little one, and when they are sick, we want answers! Still, dragging them out in the cold to see a doctor for every little thing seems a little over the top doesn't it? First of all, we have to drag a sick kiddo out into the frigid cold air- not fun for anyone...and then there's the actual doctor's office. There are often wait times, bored kids and yes, sometimes even more germs to be passed around than they already had! Wouldn't it be great if doctors still made house calls?

Great news...they do! Well, sort of! They may not actually come into your home as they did in the old days, but with the help of modern technology, they CAN come into your home through live streaming on your computer, tablet or phone on the Doctor on Demand app!!

[Image 1] Pediatric Video Visit 1

Here's how it works:

Doctor On Demand is a healthcare service that provides Video Visits with board certified physicians, psychologists, and lactation consultants via smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. Patients simply download the Doctor On Demand app on a smartphone or tablet or visit on their desktop computer, provide a list of their symptoms, and are instantly connected to a provider licensed in their state for a video visit. Sounds pretty great, right? But how well does it actually work out in practice? I was offered a free code to check it out for myself. During our call, I spoke with the doctor about our most pressing medical issue- my daughter's extreme eczema. Now, while I will not go into specifics of what was discussed, I will instead share my impression of the overall experience. And how was that experience? I must say I was very impressed! The doctor I spoke with was very polite and professional. She asked all the same questions we would have heard in a typical doctor's office, but without the long wait. (Admittedly, there is a brief wait while you are matched up with a doctor and your file is reviewed, but this took all of perhaps 5 minutes, less time than it took to buckle my daughter into her car seat! You also have the option to schedule an appointment if preferred.) She offered great advice and was open to all of my questions. Should we have needed a prescription, we were able to fill out our pharmacy information up front so it was ready! And I can easily access my visit records to see what was discussed! Of course there are always going to be those instances in which a physical visit to the clinic will be necessary, but for those non-pressing medical questions and minor illnesses, Doctor on Demand was ideal! I also loved that it is not just medical doctors that we can speak with, but also psychologists and even lactation consultants. As someone who deals with social anxiety, I think the idea of speaking with a professional in the comfort of your own home can be a lot more productive than going into the office where your nerves tend to be on higher alert. And for the breastfeeding mom with lots of questions, a lactation consultant on call? PERFECT! This is truly a great service all around. [Image 2] Doctor on Laptop
The Doctor on Demand app is free to download and free to register. AND even better, use the code fairytale15 and your first call will be free! You can enter your code at registration, store in your account and use at a later date when needed. Download iOS App. Download on Google Play. How could YOU benefit from the Doctor on Demand app? Already using it? I'd love to hear your experiences!


  1. This is a very interesting concept. I wonder how the medical community at large feels about it though? I feel it would be best for small issues that arise off-hours or out-of-town but that we shouldn't move any further from having one primary physician. Seeing the same doctor all the time helps build a relationship that holds immense value.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24