Friday, July 18, 2014

Celebrate Your Big Kid with I See Me! {A Review & Sweepstakes}

A few months ago, I introduced you all to a wonderful company called I See Me! and their amazing personalized children's books. In case you missed it, here's a little bit about what this company is all about:

I See Me! books offer personalized children's books in a variety of stories perfect for ALL kids. Their mission is to ' increase self esteem in children through personalized books that celebrate the uniqueness of each child. The goal of our books is to show each child how absolutely unique and special he or she is, to teach the child how to spell his or her name, and to build vocabulary skills.'

After receiving the last book, my Shaun was immediately in LOVE. 'Shaun is An All-Star' quickly became his favorite book and he begged for more I See Me! Books. So, when they contacted me again asking if I'd share their newest selection, 'I'm A Big Boy Now', we were BOTH thrilled.

This adorable personalized storybook praises young children for becoming “big kids” and doing “big kid” things, such as going on the potty, sleeping in a “big kid” bed, getting himself/herself dressed, saying “please” and “thank you”, brushing his/her teeth, trying new foods at dinner time, and more. The book increases self-esteem by encouraging young children that they CAN DO IT…. and it emphasizes how great the child will feel when he/she learns to do “big kid” things.

This personalized big kid book is perfect for kids ages 2-5, so perhaps you're wondering why on earth I would want it for my nearly SEVEN year old!? In my last review, I mentioned that I See Me! Books were great for kiddos like my son who are on the autism spectrum. They can serve as a great social story, and relate easier to kids because it's about THEM, not some random character in a book. This was great in the all star book all about sportsmanship, but even better in this book about all things 'big kid'. You see, my son may be just a few weeks shy of his 7th birthday, but in some ways, he is at the maturity level this book is intended for. The biggest example I can give is that he is still not potty trained, but this is only one of the big kid things mentioned in the book that can serve as a great reminder for my little guy.

I See Me! books may not be specifically designed for children on the spectrum, but they certainly provide a useful tool! Sure, we can create little social stories for all these things on our own at home, but these are not nearly as exciting as an actual book, all about least, not for MY son! Whether you're purchasing this book for an older child on the spectrum, or a younger child just learning these lessons, this book is a fun reminder for ALL kids that it's FUN to be a big kid!! We LOVED it!

In addition to the book, we also received some of the personalized stickers! What kid doesn't like stickers, right? And a sticker with their face or name on it? Perfect! I personally found these to be GREAT for back to school...could there be a more fun way to mark school folders and notebooks? I loved them because they were cute and son loved them because well, they're stickers of HIM!

But again, these is only some of the many fabulous selections available. This book and others from I See Me! make the perfect personalized children's gifts for ALL occasions, but they also offer a variety of other fun gift ideas like Lunchboxes / Puzzles /Coloring BooksPlacemats / Stickers and Growth Charts!You can find out more and connect at the links below:

Twitter:  @ISeeMe_Maia 

Email promos/discounts and updates:

And the fun doesn't stop there! I see Me! is offering a super amazing Summer Reading Sweepstakes! The grand prize winner will receive a $250 Visa Gift Card and 5 personalized books! 25 runners up will receive a personalized coloring book! The sweepstakes ends 8/ what are you waiting for? Enter NOW!


  1. One of these would be great to have, especially once we seriously start potty learning. I know my son would adore a book like this!

  2. These personalized books are so cool! I love the idea of them because all kids would feel so special to see a book about them!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24