Thursday, August 29, 2013

Instagram Baby Love

Instagram Baby Love
It's been a little while since I shared an Instagram post...August seems to have flown by with little man's birthday, prepping for baby and finally her arrival...and this mama didn't take many pictures early in the month at all. Of course, once Finley arrived that all changed so here ar…

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I Said I Would Never... {52 Weeks of Blogging With a Purpose}

When it comes to motherhood, there are many things that we all say we will not do. We will not allow our child to have junk food...ever. We won't bottle feed. We won't breastfeed once baby has teeth. We won't co-sleep. We won't allow our child to cry it out. We won't wear mom je…

Monday, August 26, 2013

You Nursed How Long!? {Breastfeeding Awareness Month}

When I share our breastfeeding experience with others, many are often shocked to discover that my little guy nursed for just over 3.5 years. Yes, 3.5 years! It is a topic that many feel very strongly about on both sides and something that many (particularly it seems here in the US) are extremely un…

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Introducing Miss Finley Grace!

Introducing Miss Finley Grace!
Finley Grace Our sweet girl finally made her arrival on  August 19th, 3:45 pm !!  She weighed  7 pounds, 10 ounces  and was  20 inches long !! She is absolutely beautiful and such a content baby! Mommy is doing well, just sleepy!! More on the birth, big brother, etc coming very soon!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Big Brother in TRAINing Tee {A Personally Yours Review}

Big Brother in TRAINing Tee {A Personally Yours Review}
*Product received for this review. Back in May, I brought you a giveaway from a wonderful company owned by a friend of mine, Personally Yours in the Totally Toddler giveaway hop!! Due to scheduling, sickness, etc...I did not actually have the shirt firsthand to fully review at the time. Now that we …

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

10 Survival Tips For the Expecting Mom {52 Weeks of Blogging With A Purpose}

At the time of writing this post, I am 36 weeks pregnant...hopefully by the time this post goes live, I'll have my sweet girl in my arms, instead of my belly!! Either way, if you are an expecting mom reading this and wondering how you'll survive the pregnancy...believe me when I say, I unde…

Monday, August 19, 2013

My Breastfeeding Essentials {Breastfeeding Awareness Month}

*Code mentioned in this post is an affiliate code. When it comes to breastfeeding, it seems there are a ton of products on the market intended to make breastfeeding easier. For a new mom who truly has no idea what to expect, this can all be quite overwhelming! So today, in honor of Breastfeeding Aw…

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Room Fit For A Princess {Nursery Reveal}

A Room Fit For A Princess {Nursery Reveal}
I am so excited to finally be able to reveal the finished nursery!! As some of you may recall, even though I got a head start on the nursery with the furniture and bedding- finishing was a bit of a struggle! I absolutely could not decide on a theme! It was between cupcakes and princesses, but both…

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Nursing is Style with the DRIA Nursing Cover {A Preparing For Baby Review}

Nursing is Style with the DRIA Nursing Cover {A Preparing For Baby Review}
**Product received for this review. When it comes to preparing for baby, one of my absolute new mom must have items is a nursing cover ! If you plan to nurse, and want to do so modestly it is an essential! There are many great options available out there, and today I am excited to share with you wha…

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Goals For Motherhood {52 Weeks of Blogging With a Purpose}

My Goals For Motherhood {52 Weeks of Blogging With a Purpose}
This weeks theme in the 52 weeks of Blogging with a Purpose challenge- My Goals for Motherhood was surprisingly a tough one for be honest, I'm not sure I had ever really sat down and truly thought about or set any specific goals as a mom. Oh sure, there are plenty of things I want to ac…

Monday, August 12, 2013

Party Planning Made Easy with Birthday Express {A Review}

Party Planning Made Easy with Birthday Express {A Review}
*Product received for review. My little guy recently turned six years old and to celebrate, he wanted a super cool Thomas the Tank Engine party! If you've ever planned a birthday party (or party of any kind), you know that they can be a lot of work! Especially for a perfectionist like myself who…

Sunday, August 11, 2013

When Will Baby Finley Come? Make Your Guesses Now! {38 Week Update}

When Will Baby Finley Come? Make Your Guesses Now! {38 Week Update}
Now that we are so close to the end...who wants to take a guess at when Miss Finley will make her grand appearance!? How big will she be? Hair color? (Hair, period?) Eye color? Any other predictions? Some more information to help you in your predictions: I am 38 weeks, 1 day today (Sunday), due date …