Sunday, July 7, 2013

33 Weeks!

How far along? 33 Weeks

Baby's size: Pineapple (4-ish pounds)

Maternity clothes: Just a few non-maternity left in the closet that I feel comfortable wearing...those are primarily dresses...I've also mostly been in my regular pjs up until this point, and I'm starting to think either larger jammies, if not maternity might be needed soon!!

Best moment this week: Watching little man snuggle his sister...always so sweet. He loves feeling her move around!! Getting the go ahead to travel 3 hours next weekend for my family reunion and baby shower!

Miss anything?  Being comfortable.

Movement: Still all the time!

Food cravings: Ice.

Food aversions: Just drinks.

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: Still having contractions, still having back pain...but nothing new or different. I hadn't dilated anymore since my last appointment, so that's good!!

Sleep: Not going so well...I miss it!

Symptoms: Back pain. Contractions. Swelling. Heartburn. Anemia. General exhaustion. Forgetfulness. You know, pretty much all those great things that can be expected in the third trimester!!

Belly button in or out? Kind of out.

Looking forward to?  Baby shower next weekend!!


  1. Aw, your post makes me miss being pregnant (the good parts, the fun anticipation) - I don't miss the uncomfortable parts. Hope you have a wonderful baby shower!


  2. Hi,

    I'm your "neighbor" at Babies and Beyond. I love all your cool updates on here. Makes your readers feel connected to you. You look beautiful. Kim

  3. You are so cute! I'm excited to hear about your baby shower. I always love celebrating new little ones, especially my girl :) There is something so wonderful about cake, punch, and presents! lol I hope you have a safe trip and a wonderful time with your friends and family.

    Thanks for linking up at Babies and Beyond. Pregnancy updates are my favorite :)


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24