Sunday, June 30, 2013

32 Weeks...and a visit to L&D!

32 Weeks...and a visit to L&D!
Sorry, no fancy picture this week. I honestly just don't have the energy!! Instead, I'll again share this quick one taken at 31 weeks, 5 days...close enough anyway right? These past few days have been exhausting...Thursday I started getting some horrible pain in my back and by Friday evening…

Friday, June 28, 2013

Preparing for Baby with Baby Bump Bundle {Review}

Preparing for Baby with Baby Bump Bundle {Review}
* Product was received to share this review. Pregnancy is one of the most memorable and exciting times in a woman's life...but it can also be exhausting and stressful at times too. It is for this reason that all moms need a little spoiling and pampering during this time. Today I am excited to sh…

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Life via Instagram {6/27}

Life via Instagram {6/27}
Where on earth is the time going!? 31 weeks, 5 days already!? This photo was taken yesterday. Many have said that I still look tiny for just about 32 weeks, but I have to tell you, I certainly don't feel it!! Honestly, I feel about ready to pop!! It's hard to believe that our sweet baby girl…

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

10 Things I Live For {52 Weeks of Blogging With a Purpose}

10 Things I Live For {52 Weeks of Blogging With a Purpose}
Nighttime Snuggles. My little man isn't usually much of a snuggler during the day...he is always much to busy to stop and show mom much love, but every night we cuddle up together until he falls asleep. I treasure those moments more than anything! Milestones/Accomplishments. As a mom to a child …

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Shaun's Birthday Wishlist {And the Impossible Toy}

Shaun's Birthday Wishlist {And the Impossible Toy}
In just a little over a month- on August 4th, my sweet boy will be turning SIX YEARS OLD!! It seems as though we were JUST celebrating his first birthday! Where does the time go!? As his big day draws closer, he is hard at work on his birthday list! Mostly, it's all about Thomas again this year.…

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Best Day Ever {A Day Out With Thomas}

The Best Day Ever {A Day Out With Thomas}
**A HUGE thank you to US Family Guide for providing tickets for this event for our family!! If you've been following my blog long, you know that my little man is a HUGE Thomas the Tank Engine fan. Truly, a train fan in general, but Thomas is certainly his number one. His bedroom is all about Th…

Sunday, June 23, 2013

31 Weeks.

31 Weeks.
How far along? 31 Weeks!! Baby's size:  Pineapple (2.5 to 3.8 pounds) Maternity clothes:  Still a few non maternity, but becoming less for sure! Best moment this week:  Hearing baby's heartbeat again...though I'll admit, I'm really hoping for another ultrasound soon! In non-baby news, Day …

Friday, June 21, 2013

Tiny Love 3-in-1 Rocker Napper {A Preparing for Baby Review}

Tiny Love 3-in-1 Rocker Napper {A Preparing for Baby Review}
*I received the product mentioned below to write this review. When it comes to preparing for baby, shopping for baby gear can become a little overwhelming! Swings, highchairs, bouncers, nappers, bassinets...there is so much to choose from. Each seems to have their own specific purpose, and many of t…

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Life via Instagram {6/19}

Life via Instagram {6/19}
Time again for another Life via Instagram post- where I share a little bit of what we've been up to lately, as seen on Instagram! If you'd like to follow me, you can do so right here ! Another great yard sale weekend! We actually got a head start on Friday...I had the car for a doctor's …