Thursday, June 30, 2011

Recipe: Fiesta Ravioli!!

Recipe: Fiesta Ravioli!!
I love Mexican food...and I love pasta! So when I saw this recipe, I knew I had to try it! I am usually very good about writing down where I find each recipe, but I had forgotten on this one. I believe it is from an older Taste of Home magazine though. I will post the recipe as I'd written it, …

Monday, June 27, 2011

Review: Too Rich For A Bride by Mona Hodgson

Review: Too Rich For A Bride by Mona Hodgson
From the Publisher: With a head more suited to bookkeeping than a bridal veil, Ida’s dreams include big business- not beaus. Ida Sinclair has joined her sisters, Kat and Nell, in the untamed mining town of Cripple Creek, Colorado for one reason: to work for the infamous but undeniably successful b…

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday ???s

Friday ???s
1. W hat is your current favorite tv show? Parenthood and Pretty Little Liars- I know, they're so similar, right? Ha! 2. W hat's the worst haircut you ever got? The last haircut I got was probably the worst. The lady cutting my hair said I would look cute with the straight across bangs. Now I…

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Craft Time: Autism Mini Wreath!!!

Craft Time: Autism Mini Wreath!!!
I hope you aren't tired of these autism awareness crafts yet, because I have several more ideas running around in my head still! This one was a last minute idea I threw together over the weekend, but I love how it turned out. I'd gotten a bag of random craft stuff at a yard sale awhile back…

Monday, June 20, 2011

Mailbox Monday- June 20!

Mailbox Monday- June 20!
Time to share once again what came in my mailbox FREE this past week!! This week, as you can see, was a big coupon week!! 5 Eucerin Coupons (3 for $3 off, 2 for $1) 6 55 cents off Blue Bunny 4 Apple and Eve juice coupons (3 50 cents off one, 1 $1 off 2) 2 FREE Lane Snack Cracker coupons 2 55 cents off B…

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Recipe: Mexicali Mac and Cheese Bake!!

Recipe: Mexicali Mac and Cheese Bake!!
It's been awhile since I've posted any recipes so I thought it was about time to share one! (And had been asked by Facebook friends for this one.) Honestly I've been in a bit of a cooking rut...I can't seem to find anything new and appealing or if I do, it takes too much time. With …

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday!

Wee Bit Wednesday!
{one} what color best describes you + why? Hmm…I'm not sure. My favorite color is red, but I'm not sure that would describe me, as I don't like attention and let's face it, red does grab attention;) Maybe pink because I'm very girly and follow a lot of traditional female roles...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mailbox Monday-June13!

Mailbox Monday-June13!
Linking up again fot Mailbox Monday, where you share everything that came in your mail free for the week! Such fun:) Lemi Shine Machine Cleaner, Dishwasher Powder and Rinse Aid! This is my most exciting freebie (won through their Facebook page). If you have hard water, this is a must have for your d…

Friday, June 10, 2011

Milspouse Friday Fill-In (& A Few Random Tidbits!)

Milspouse Friday Fill-In (& A Few Random Tidbits!)
I haven't filled one of these out in awhile (really, I think I've only done it maybe once before), so I thought I'd do one today. But first a few bits of information: I mentioned in my last couple posts that we may be moving in the near future, so I wanted to just briefly elaborate. A we…

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ten on Tuesday: Summer♥

Ten on Tuesday: Summer♥
It's officially summer break for my little man and we have a lot to look forward to this summer! So for this week's 10 on Tuesday, I'm sharing our list of 10 things we're looking forward to this summer!!! 1. The summer premier of Pretty Little Liars! Very, very excited for this next …

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mailbox Monday!

Mailbox Monday!
I've never participated with Mailbox Monday, but I always love reading them so I thought I'd join in this week! For those that have never heard of it, Mailbox Monday is where you share what came in your mailbox FREE for the week. So here's my share (I'm not entirely sure all of it c…

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Scripture and a Snapshot- Ruth 1:16

Scripture and a Snapshot- Ruth 1:16
"Where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God, my God." - Ruth 1:16 I found this verse a few days ago and thought it was very appropriate for military marriages. We recently found out that a move may be in the near future for us wh…

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Money Saving Tips @ This Little Piggy Bank!

My Money Saving Tips @ This Little Piggy Bank!
While this is not a couponing or money saving blog, I have mentioned on several occasions how much I love getting a bargain and saving money. I hate paying full price for anything, and over time I've come up with a lot of great money saving ideas that work for my family and I'm always more …