Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Money Saving Tips @ This Little Piggy Bank!

While this is not a couponing or money saving blog, I have mentioned on several occasions how much I love getting a bargain and saving money. I hate paying full price for anything, and over time I've come up with a lot of great money saving ideas that work for my family and I'm always more than happy to share what I've learned. So I was excited to have the oppurtunity to do a guest post for This Little Piggy Bank for her feature called, 'What Works for Me'-tips from real people everywhere on how they save money!! You can read my post here! Enjoy!!


  1. Randi... you are just what people want to read about, real people with heart!

  2. cant wait to read what u have to say looking forward to hearing ur tips! heres one for u you may appriate buy your fabric softner pour half the bootle in your bottle before you brougth thi one the fill rest of bottle with water fabric softner is just as strong as it was before but now u have two bottles for the price of one!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24