Monday, January 22, 2024

Our Big Fat Fake Vacay by Ashley Funk: Book Review

 *Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.

One lousy mix-up is all it takes to take my happy, independent life down a few notches. If my mother would stop trying to set me up with cringey guys from my past, I wouldn't have had to lie and tell her I was already in a relationship with the last person I wanted.

But when that lie gets Cooper Whittaker—my brother's best friend and my new fake boyfriend—and his parents invited on our annual Bradford Family Vacation, we both agree that faking a relationship might be the key to getting both of our meddling mothers off our backs.

It's easy to fake being in love with the boy who broke my heart years ago, but what happens when the man he's become starts making me feel more than I bargained for?

Ashley grew up near the mountains, where she dreamed of being a fantasy author from a very young age. Imagine how surprised she was when she fell in love with and began writing romantic comedies. When she's not writing or wrangling her kids, she loves going on long-ish runs, avoiding the laundry, and drinking Dr. Pepper. She now lives in a small mountain town in Utah with her husband and four children.

Brother's best friend + fake dating!? Um, yes please! These are definitely among my absolute favorite tropes so putting them together is like a dream. There are also few moments where he takes care of her (in more ways than one), another favorite! Throw in Ashley Funk's writing style which is just so effortless and enjoyable? I couldn't help but love this story.

Cooper and Hannah are absolutely great together. Hannah had had a crush on Cooper as a teenager, but when he turns her down, she never wants to see him again... a vow that she does pretty well with until they end up in an accidental fake dating situation... and facing a family vacation with both of their families. From hand holding practice to rule breaking kisses, I just enjoyed every minute with these two. When he keeps her calm during the flight? Oh my goodness, it was just the best. 
While the romance was great, the story would definitely not have been the same without the dynamic with her brothers as well. I loved their sibling banter and playfulness... but of course all the love and support was there too. It was a quick read, and one that I absolutely adored!

Our Big Fat Fake Vacay is a closed-door romance with kisses only and no language. 

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