Thursday, October 26, 2023

Kissing for Keeps by Martha Keyes: Book Review

 *Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.

History has a way of repeating itself.

Coming on the heels of a big, fat failure at work, my best friend Madi's glamorous French wedding is the perfect opportunity to prove I can do some things well–even if it kills me, which is looking like a distinct possibility. Maid of honor duties are no joke. And while I could honestly use an extra hand or ten, I have to refuse the offer of help from Madi's flirt of a brother, Jack. Nothing would spoil the beautiful wedding festivities faster than her finding out about that thing that happened between Jack and me that one time . . .

Not that there's any danger of it happening again. It was so long ago, I've forgotten everything about it, down to the brand of his cologne. Aqua Di Gio is so utterly predictable.

I admit, I haven't been the best brother to Madi. Okay, slight understatement–a history of dating her friends and ruining those friendships has landed me squarely in her black books.

But my offer to help Siena isn't some underhanded scheme to hurt Madi a third time. I genuinely want to be a better brother. As for teasing Siena in the meantime? That's just standard procedure for me.

Because everything is totally normal here. Nothing to see, folks.

Whitney Award-winning author Martha Keyes was born, raised, and educated in Utah—a home she loves dearly but also dearly loves to escape to travel the world. She received a BA in French Studies and a Master of Public Health, both from Brigham Young University.

Her route to becoming an author has been full of twists and turns, but she’s finally settled into something she loves. Researching, daydreaming, and snacking have become full-time jobs, and she couldn’t be happier about it. When she isn’t writing, she is honing her photography skills, looking for travel deals, and spending time with her family.

I have to admit, this book sat on my TBR for entirely too long! I kept meaning to read it after hearing such great things about it, but then it would get pushed to the side for something else. Honestly, it wasn't until I'd had the chance to ARC read the second book in the series and absolutely fell in love with it that I finally went back and made time for this one. 

And oh my goodness... it was so worth the wait and most certainly lived up to the hype!! As much as I absolutely loved that second book, I must say I think I loved this one even more! The chemistry and the banter between Jack and Siena was just absolute perfection. It had some second chance romance vibes to it--- though they really didn't get much of a chance in the first place after sharing a moment BEFORE discovering their connection to his sister/her roommate and new friend. Best friend's brother happens to be a favorite trope of mine... but admittedly it's always bothered me a little the idea that someone WOULDN'T want their best friend and their brother together. (Having lived it in real life, that certainly wasn't my experience anyway.) What I loved about this book is that there was a reason given for Madi's feelings on the subject... there was a history there and it didn't end well. I really just adored these two together and couldn't get enough of them... from the swoon worthy moments to the laugh out loud ones, I absolutely loved them all. 

Kissing for Keeps is a closed-door romance with nothing but kisses. 


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