*Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.
It's not awkward unless we make it awkward.
Carmen... I’ve forgiven Isaac for being a jerk to me when we were kids, but while my grudge against him is gone, my fears are alive and well. I don't care how much chemistry there is between us. I’m done with guys and their commitment issues, and I’ve found a way to make life a whole lot easier.
I friend-zone them. Every single one.
It’s worked super well. Until now.
Isaac isn't like other guys. He knows all about the friendship-only box I’ve shoved him into and constantly teases me about it. It’s not the elephant in the room. It’s his favorite joke.
The line between goofiness and flirtation is growing thinner with every interaction. Isaac hasn’t just charmed my parents and all the senior citizens we pick up for bingo night. He’s also winning me over, and I’m terrified.
Isaac... I couldn’t have designed a person more perfectly apt to make me lose my mind than the grown-up version of Carmen Ortega. I already knew she was funny, adventurous, and kind to a fault. But adding attraction to that is like pouring lighter fluid on a campfire.
Telling her how I feel will send her running in the other direction, so I make jokes. If she wants to see the truth in the words, it’s right there.
She can try to set me up with her friends, sic her neighborhood matchmaker on me, and ban me from bringing her flowers. For now.
I won’t step a toe across the line without her permission, but I’m not afraid of the long game. Carmen is the goal, and I plan to show her what being friends forever really means.
USA Today Bestselling Author Rachel John loves to read anything with romance or humor, and thinks the best books should combine the two. She's found that writing is the best way to burn dinner. When not writing, she's reading, drawing, driving kids to various locations, or attempting to revive her exercise habit. Come visit Rachel on her Facebook page or Instagram. She'd love to hear from you!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/racheljohnauthor
Instagram: instagram.com/racheljohnwrites/

This was such a cute read! Carmen and Isaac were so sweet together. Oftentimes in friends to lovers stories, so much of the story revolves around the friends not admitting to themselves or the other person that they have feelings... and you just find yourself wanting to shake some sense into them. This one felt a bit different though. First of all, the two had been friends as children, had a falling out and have been reunited at the start of the story... so there was a history, but their adult friendship was brand new. Isaac's interest is pretty clear right from the start... but she has a strict 'friends only' rule after past hurts. I love how respectful he is of her boundaries. His interest is there, and they both know it... but he doesn't push it and shows up for her as she needs him--- just a friend. With some occasional flirting, of course! I found myself really enjoying every minute with these two--- and their somewhat quirky (and meddlesome) friends and family. Seriously, they made going to bingo sound like an absolute blast! They had me laughing out loud several times throughout the story. They were easy characters to root for and I definitely found myself doing just that. If you're looking for a sweet friends to more story, this is definitely one you'll want to check out.
Keep It Together is a closed-door romance with kisses only and no language.
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