Saturday, August 19, 2023

Quest of Fire: Desperation- Q&A with Brett Armstrong + Giveaway


About the Book

Book: Quest of Fire: Desperation

Author: Brett Armstrong

Genre: Christian, Epic Fantasy

Release Date: September 13, 2022

Guarding his nation’s last hope, a teen must escape enemy lands.

While Anargen, Caeserus, and Bertinand are held captive in Stormridge, the war to restore Ecthelowall’s Commonwealth has been waged for months. Their friend Terrillian is on its frontline and hopes are high.

For Barons Fenwrest and Sornfold the fight is too close to their children, whose union represents the only viable challenge to the Monarchists claim to Ecthelowall’s ancient throne. Enter Thomas Fenwrest, an orphan and page to Sir Hurstwell, who is captain of Baron Fenwrest’s guard. The pair must escort the teens to Castle Yerst expecting boredom to be their only danger. Everything quickly spirals out of control when the Monarchists somehow deliver a devastating blow to the Restoration army and Thomas and Sir Hurstwell face the increasingly difficult task of keeping their charges alive. Ancient sorcery and bitter grudges combine to ensnare them. As desperation sets in for the Restoration and Thomas, to where will they turn for hope?


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Brett Armstrong has been exploring other worlds as a writer since age nine. Years later, he still writes, but now invites others along on his excursions. He’s shown readers haunting, deep historical fiction (Destitutio Quod Remissio), scary-real dystopian sci-fi (Day Moon and Veiled Sun), and dark, sweeping epic fantasy (Quest of Fire). Every story is a journey of discovery and an attempt to be a brush in the Master Artist’s hand. Through dark, despair, light, joy, and everything in between, the end is always meant to leave his fellow literary explorers with wonder and hope. Always busy with a new story, he also enjoys drawing, gardening, and spending time with his wife and son.


More from Brett

There are three things I’ve come to learn that define what Quest of Fire is and means to me. When I first started writing the Quest of Fire series years ago, I knew I wanted to tell a big story set in an even bigger world. One with all the depth and breadth of my favorite series: Lord of the Rings and Star Wars and Chronicles of Narnia. Over time, the main story of Quest of Fire and the Lowlands it’s set in have grown every bit as big and fantastical as I always dreamed.

But there was a second something I realized I wanted to do with the series as much and more than tell sweeping stories. I wanted people to be able to zoom in on the sprawling maps and look closer and closer, and see people who look real, relatable. People with struggles and questions and who don’t always feel prepared for what comes next. So, I wanted to make even numbered books in the series novellas that zoom in and tell very personal and targeted stories.

Like Thomas’s in Book 4, Desperation. Unlike Anargen in the main entries, he wasn’t raised by Knights of Light and had a rough childhood. He has plenty to be bitter about and in Desperation his world is imploding around him. He’s overwhelmed at first and then he meets a Knight of Light, Terrillian, who steps out of the main storyline to be a mentor and shows Thomas what the life of one in service to the High King of All Realms looks like. How there is light even on the darkest of nights. We never know how much and how many will be impacted when we make a stand for Christ and we model his love and teachings before others. Likewise, Terrillian may not realize how profound his faithfulness will affect Thomas.

I write Quest of Fire to tell stories to encourage believers to stand firm in the faith, to join the fight against monsters in the pages of books so that when’s life’s beasts come against us we’re better equipped to face them. At least that is my hope and my prayer. Because the most important thing I learned I wanted Quest of Fire to be is a story that helps people better understand and join in the Greatest Story written by the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Author Interview

If you had to describe your main character(s) in just three words, what would they be?  

I’m not sure he’d see himself this way, but stubborn, hurting, and noble. Thomas has been through a lot in his young life and he tries to bury the sting of those hurts until he realizes the pain he’s been through can be used to help another character weather the storms they’re facing. Stubborness is possibly a contribution from my own character traits that leeched into him. And Thomas feels anything but noble, though in spite of everything he’s lost and faces losing, he doesn’t turn back from doing what is right when it matters most. He’s one of my favorite characters I’ve written considering how he grows and develops throughout the story. 
What was the most challenging part of bringing this story to life?  

There’s a lot of raw emotions at play in this story. This is the most tumultuous time any of the characters, old or young, have faced in their lives and it’s all happening so fast. Getting the reactions right and feeling real and genuine both from a distance and when considering each character’s traits individually, that kind of stressed me out a bit. I hope it reads as poignantly for others as it does for me. I started to feel like I was on the right track when what made sense for the character’s reactions to certain events began to surprise me and make me admire them more.   


What was the most rewarding? 

Being surprised at how certain characters grew and developed in the course of the story. In most stories I write I’m pleasantly surprised by how the story world reveals itself gradually. I liken my writing process to going for treks in the mountains. From the ridgetop of one mountain you can see the summits of others in the distance and you know where you’re going. What you can’t see are all the details of the trail between the high points, down on the slopes and in the valleys. There’s so much richness there to be discovered that, from a storytelling perspective, I encounter along the way rather than conceiving up front. In Desperation, I thoroughly enjoyed finding my way through Emeral and parts of Ecthelowall I hadn’t seen before, but it was really the way Thomas, Mia, and Gregor responded to their trials that made the book so much more enjoyable for me to write. 

What do you hope readers will take away from the book? 

Of course, I’d be pleased if readers enjoy the story and are caught up in the sweep of its action and fall in love with the Lowlands like I have. But if instead of being unable to put it down and being wowed by the world-building a reader is challenged, inspired, encouraged by the story and its characters, then that is what would truly thrill me. I want to write stories that stick with a reader and encourage them to be bold and steadfast in seeking Christ. Stories that remind them even in the dark how beautiful His light is and the depth of peace and comfort we can find in Him both now and ever the more so in the future. So, I’d want readers to see in the story and know deep in his or her heart that the Lord Jesus Christ is close by them. In every moment—both triumphs and challenges.   
Where can readers follow along to see what’s coming next?  

I tend to be somewhat better about posting to the blog on my website and my Facebook page. One special thing I do is share lore from the story world of Quest of Fire on my blog called Quest of Fire Friday. There’s a lot to the Lowlands and so much of it can’t fit into the confines of the novels or novellas without sending the books down the rabbit hole, through Underland (Wonderland), and out beyond. I also do have a newsletter that gives special opportunities and perks that goes out every so often and Instagram and Twitter accounts. I’m happy to talk via direct messages on any of the social media platforms or via email about Quest of Fire, books, and writing in general. And in particular, Lord willing, there should be quite a bit of news coming from me about the next book in Quest of Fire, titled Resurgence at Dawn, which is set to release December 19th this year. 

Blog Stops

Texas Book-aholic, August 10

By the Book, August 11

Blogging With Carol, August 12

Artistic Nobody, August 13 (Author Interview)

Christina’s Corner, August 13

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 14

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 15

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 16

Through the Fire Blogs, August 17 (Author Interview)

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, August 18

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, August 19 (Author Interview)

Mornings at Character Cafe, August 19

Holly’s book Corner, August 20

Guild Master, August 21

The Book Club Network, August 22

Splashes of Joy, August 23 (Author Interview)


To celebrate his tour, Brett is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card, copy of Desperation, and digital extras (exclusive map and music)!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. This sounds like an exciting read.

  2. This sounds very intriguing!
    Cindi Knowles

  3. This sounds like the kind of book several of my children would love!

  4. Excellent interview. This looks really good.

  5. Thank you for sharing your interview, bio and the book details, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work and I am looking forward to reading Quest of Fire: Desperation

  6. He is such a handsome young man. I like his message but probably like him the most because he is also from West Virginia :)


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