Thursday, July 6, 2023

Simple Ideas To Help You Get The Most Of Your Bible Reading {+ Win a Student Life Application Study Bible} #NLTBible #TyndaleBibles #LifeApplicationStudyBible #BibleForStudents #SeriousStudyComesToLife

**I received a copy of this Bible for consideration. All opinions are my own. 

Let's talk about Bible reading!

As Christians, reading the Bible is an important part of Christian life... but for many, we find that we can struggle with that. Perhaps for some, it feels like it's just one more thing we have to do... another thing to add to our never-ending to do list. For others, it seems like we're just not getting as much out of it as we want... we DO read it, but struggle with connecting. 

So, how do we get the most out of our time in the Word? 

Here are a few simple ideas that might help:

Pray Before Reading. 
Before sitting down to read your Bible, spend some time in prayer asking God to open your mind and your heart. This is a great way to prepare yourself and shift your focus to God.

Take Notes. 
I find that when I take notes and highlight passages, it forces me to not just slow down and really consider what I'm reading, but also helps me to remember things better. I personally like taking notes right there in my Bible, but for those who aren't comfortable with that idea, a notebook is another great option. 

Eliminate Distractions. 
As a mom, this is definitely a huge struggle for me... it can be really hard to find a moment of peace. Believe me, I definitely understand that this is much easier said than done. While we might not always be able to completely eliminate all distractions, we can do what we can to eliminate as many as possible... turn of the TV, put the phone in the other room, etc. 

Use a Bible Study.
The Bible can be a little intimidating to read, and for me... I find I prefer to have a little guidance to help me truly dive in and better understand what it is I'm reading. Bible studies are great for this. 

Quality Not Quantity. 
Reading the Bible in a year is a great goal that many make every year... and for those that can do that, it's great! But it's also important to remember to go at your own pace. When we feel like we're tied to some type of schedule, it can weight at us and make it more difficult to enjoy reading. There's no rush... read what you can whether that be several chapters a day or days with only a handful of verses. 

Find the Right Bible for You.
These days, there are so many Bibles to choose from and the best one? It's the one you'll actually read. Check out different styles and translations and find the one that fits your personal needs and learning style. 

I was recently given the opportunity to check out the Student Life Application Study Bible and share my thoughts. 

About the Bible
The incomparable Student Life Application Study Bible is a work of serious scholarship, exquisite design, and a resolve for Scripture application in your daily life. Equipped with the Filament Bible app to help you go further in your reading and study of the Bible, the Student Life Application Study Bible in the New Living Translation will jump off the page and into your life with more than 27,000 on-page and in-app notes, over 350 maps, infographics, illustrations, and much more. 

Combining Bible study with full-color visualizations and technology, the STUDENT LIFE APPLICATION STUDY BIBLE will jump off the page and into your life. The Student Life Application Study Bible uses the clear and accurate text of the New Living Translation and is equipped with the Filament Bible app to help you go further in your reading and study of the Bible. This incomparable Bible is a work of serious scholarship, exquisite design, and a resolve for Scripture application in your daily life.

 First and foremost, this is an absolutely beautiful Bible. While ultimately that really makes no difference one way or another, I must admit that if something is visually appealing, it does actually help to motivate me. I adore the color of this Bible and the golden details. The pages within likewise have a beautiful style that I cannot help but appreciate. 

Beyond the style, it is packed full of helpful tools that help readers to better understand what they are reading. There are maps and notes, historical context and more. More important than just reading the Bible is understanding the Bible, and I definitely feel like these resources are going to help me get a fuller picture. 

The NLT translation is very readable and easy to understand... and for those that appreciate such things, this is a Bible that has the words of Jesus in red... which is something that I feel like we don't see quite as much of anymore. 

Overall, this is a Bible that is as helpful as it is beautiful and a great choice for those looking for one. 

You can purchase your copy here: 

And there's a giveaway! Head over here for the chance to win a copy for yourself:


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24