Friday, July 28, 2023

God's Word For Families: A Review + Giveaway #godsword #familydevotional #devotional @PPHUPCI

**Devotional received for consideration. All opinions are my own. 

As Christian parents, one of the most important things that we can teach our children is to love God and encourage a relationship with Him. But do you ever find yourself wondering how you can do that? I know I certainly do! Sure, taking them to church and talking about God with them is important... but I'm always looking for other ideas to help to encourage that relationship.

For that, a family devotional is a fun resource. As such, I was excited to have the chance to check out one such devotional for myself- God's Word for Families. Take a look:

About the Devotional
God’s Word for Families is not your average devotional. With 365 ten-minute devotional activities designed around a variety of learning styles, each week’s devotions will reinforce what your family is learning at church. This wholly Apostolic discipleship tool will help you engage your family members in God’s Word every day of the week. By exploring a biblical passage from Sunday to Saturday with simple, fun activities, God’s Word for Families will bring parents and kids closer to God.

Weekly Overview:
Sunday – Introduction (an age-appropriate version of the week’s Bible passage)
Monday – “Why?” (activities that show the purpose behind the Bible study)
Tuesday – Analytic Learning (“Fun Facts!” and “Did You Know?” activities to dig deeper into Scripture)
Wednesdays – Worship (a featured lyric video and other Apostolic songs)
Thursday – Real-life Application (a present-day story to illustrate the Bible lesson)
Friday – Discussion (questions for parents and kids to ask each other about our faith)
Saturday – Family Project (an activity for the family to do to put our faith in action)

At the time of this review, I haven't had the chance to full work through this devotional but have read enough to get a good feel for it and share my thoughts so far. 

The first thing I noticed was it's cute design. It's super colorful and fun, which will certainly encourage young readers to want to gather around and check it out. Each week has an overall lesson for the week, broken down into activities or discussions for each of the days. It starts with a breakdown of the Bible passage for the week, then goes onto encourage discussions, fun activities related to the lessons, songs, and so on. I really appreciated how it was broken down to make each day related, but unique at the same time. The lessons seemed easy to follow and appropriate for the whole family too. For those who happen to use God's Word for Life for their Sunday School lessons, this is supposed to go along with that too, which will even further help kids to fully grasp the ideas. 

This is from a Pentacostal publisher, which I admittedly did not realize until I got it. I am not personally Pentacostal myself and admittedly don't know a lot about the differences in our beliefs, but at this point I haven't seen anything in this devotional that goes against my families' beliefs. Still, I think it's true with ANY devotional or non-fiction Christian reads to always check it against the Bible. Either way, I think this is a great starting point to keep the Bible lessons going in our family EVERY day and not just on Sundays... and if I should happen to come across something that doesn't fit well, it's just that-- a starting point. 

If you are looking for a unique way to teach kids about the Bible... and make it fun! This is a good resource to check out. 

Ready to start with your family? You can purchase your copy here:

There's also a chance to win! Head over here to enter the giveaway:


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24