Friday, June 2, 2023

Counterfeit Faith: Read an Excerpt + Enter to Win!


Counterfeit Faith JustRead Takeover + Review Blitz

Welcome to the Takeover + Review Blitz for Counterfeit Faith by Crystal Caudill, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Counterfeit Faith Title: Counterfeit Faith 
Series: Hidden Hearts of the Gilded Age #3 
Author: Crystal Caudill 
Publisher: Kregel Publications 
Release Date: May 16, 2023 
Genre: Christian Historical Romance 

She's losing her faith in mankind. He's lost his faith in God. Can working together restore them both? 

As matron of Final Chance House of Refuge, Gwendolyn Ellison has dedicated her life to serving the children deemed delinquents by society. She'll protect them with everything she has. So when she suspects someone is using Final Chance for criminal deeds, she's determined to investigate and put a stop to it. But villains don't like to be crossed--and they're willing to kill to get their way. 

Gwendolyn knows she can't quit fighting. More than her own life is on the line if counterfeiters go free. She must find someone she can trust to help her expose the criminals and protect the children under her care. 

Charming and chivalrous Secret Service operative Josiah Isaacs has never been able to turn his back on a woman in trouble--and capturing counterfeiters is his job, after all. The danger he's truly worried about is his growing attraction to Gwendolyn when his heart wants to remain faithful to his deceased wife. 

As both peril and interest grow, he begins to consider whether a second love may be possible--if they can live through this case. At the same time, he's put off by her faith in a God he no longer trusts. How can a future together even be possible when their beliefs are at odds? 

"Page-turning action combines with depth and richness to create a full-bodied, rewarding read." 
 --Jocelyn Green, Christy Award-winning author of The Metropolitan Affair 

"Readers who love romance, suspense, and a graceful amount of faith won't want to miss this story." 
 --Toni Shiloh, Christy Award-winning author 

"With a host of sympathetic and likable characters (and a few not so likable), a riveting plot that clips along at the perfect pace, and a relatable faith thread, this book [is a] completely enjoyable read." 
 --Kimberly Duffy, Carol Award finalist and author of A Tapestry of Light

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | Christianbook | BookBub

More Books in this Series

Counterfeit Love Counterfeit Hope

Book Excerpt

His ragged breath caught as he focused on her for the first time. He remembered having been gripped by her pale face and fear-stricken eyes, but now the beauty of her visage struck him as worthy of belonging in a Grecian temple. It was as if Aphrodite had taken on breath and walked off the page Robert had shown him at the Philadelphia Library.

Except this Grecian goddess looked like she’d been kicked down from Mount Olympus by a vengeful Hera. Dirt and debris imprinted Shaveless’s shoe across her temple on the right side of her face. Based on her thin-pressed lips and deep furrows between her brows, she probably had one devil of a headache. Long soft curls knocked free from their confines spilled onto the ground like sheaves of wheat during harvest season.

Do your job and stop gawking. The woman could be bleeding.

He inspected the length of her, from the high neck of her worn, black wool coat, down her unfashionable but sturdy brown skirts, to the scuffed toes of her heeled buttoned boots. Thankfully, nothing indicated blood was seeping into the material, and her chest rose and fell in even—albeit shuddered—breaths. Once the ambulance arrived, he’d insist on traveling with her to the hospital to ensure she received proper treatment and an examination for a concussion.

“Miss, can you speak to me?”

Languid eyelids opened to reveal stunning copper orbs. Was there anything not breathtaking about this woman?

She blinked at him and then nearly collided heads with him as she shot up to a sitting position. “You’re bleeding!”

About the Author

Crystal Caudill

Crystal Caudill is the author of "dangerously good historical romance," with her work garnering awards from Romance Writers of America and ACFW. She is a stay-at-home mom and caregiver, and when she isn’t writing, Caudill can be found playing board games with her family, drinking hot tea, or reading other great books at her home outside Cincinnati, Ohio.

Connect with Crystal by visiting to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will receive print copies of Counterfeit Love, Counterfeit Hope, and Counterfeit Faith, a set of bookmarks, 2 stickers with quotes, and a magnet with a QR code to a "test your Secret Service knowledge" quiz!

Counterfeit Faith JustRead Giveaway

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway began at midnight May 31, 2023 and lasts through 11:59 PM EST on June 7, 2023. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Enter Giveaway

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours


  1. This series looks so neat!! *Adds to my tbr* XD

  2. What an amazing excerpt Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing! Josiah does get distracted easily by a pretty woman. :-)


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24