Thursday, May 18, 2023

Can a Kitchen Remodel Change Your Family's Lifestyle for the Better?


When working on a home remodel, it's important to pick the right features. This is because not all of them are created equal, and some can improve your home a lot more than others. One of the most important home upgrades to do is a kitchen upgrade, which can improve your lifestyle and give your kids as well as yourself a much easier and more efficient time at home. Keep reading to learn some of the convincing ways a kitchen remodel can change your family's lifestyle for the better!

Improve Function

A kitchen remodel with sinks or range hoods, such as those found at, can make your kitchen a lot more functional. This is because there are many things that you can upgrade, including getting a new countertop or even a new floor. You can also get a kitchen island, which will essentially provide your kids with a new area to eat or hang out while you prepare meals and bond with them.

Keep in mind that almost 85% of homebuyers in 2021 listed a kitchen island as a feature that they “really want” or “must have” in their home! If you choose to make an addition to your home, it's a good idea to ensure that it's good quality and is a good height for stools.

Enhance Aesthetics

A kitchen remodel can also improve your home's aesthetics. This is because you can change things like the color of paint on the walls or just the trim, get new knobs for the cabinets, and more. If you have the budget to spare, you can even get a new floor that's going to make the kitchen safer and make it look like a brand-new space. Note that in a Houzz survey done in October 2022, one of the most popular areas undergoing remodeling in a home was kitchens, occupying 33% of home remodeling projects in the United States. Clearly, many families across the country are aware of the benefits that they can get from remodeling this crucial space in their homes!

Improve Safety

A good kitchen remodel can help make the space safer in a number of ways. This is because, for instance, getting higher-quality appliances can ensure that your kids are safer while in the kitchen. You can also install larger windows that let in more light but that aren't prone to damage from harsh weather. This is based on the fact that some door and window systems have an impact-resistant glazing system of +105/-130. This makes them capable of withstanding hurricane-force winds that can travel at over 100 MPH. You can also check for windows and doors that will make it harder for burglars to break into your home, thus improving your home's overall security.

Achieve More Value

Last but not least, a kitchen remodel can improve the overall value of your home. This is because the kitchen is one of the most popular spaces in a home. As such, it's one of the spaces in your home that you need to remodel if you want to give your home an amazing makeover that will make it easier to sell if you ever decide to sell it. This is why you need to find the best materials and work with the right professionals to ensure that you choose a design that can withstand the test of time.

From these benefits of doing a kitchen remodel, it should be clear that you'll have an advantage when you undergo this project. Plan for the remodel well so that you can get the most from the money that you spend. In the end, you're sure to enjoy the results, and so will the rest of your family!


  1. I would like to add more cupboard/ storage space to my kitchen. A great kitchen layout is so beneficial to the functionality of the home.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24