Tuesday, December 6, 2022

6 Lessons to Teach Your Children While Growing Up


Every parent on the planet wants to see their children grow up and become competent, happy, and successful adults. One of the biggest determining factors behind this is you – the parent. From the lessons you teach them to the home environment you create, all of this will have a huge effect on how they turn out in future life. 

How to Become a Better Parent – It’s Easier Than You Think 

Sometimes, parents and co-parents need the help of outside resources when they’re looking to improve and become better parents. Currently, many parents are using the resources provided by twohealthyhomes.com, such as one-to-one sessions and co-parenting guides. Over time, you will gradually improve and be able to provide your children with the best possible platform to thrive. 

So, What Are The Main Lessons You Should Teach Your Children While Growing Up

Below is a list of the top 6 lessons you should teach your children in their childhood years. 

1. Good Manners 

Good manners are key to a successful life. 

Without good manners, society would crumble, and social norms would go out of the window. 

From always saying “Please” and “Thank you” to treating others with respect, it’s essential that you teach your children good manners.

When your children show and express good manners, you should then praise and reward them for it. This then creates a positive loop in the brain that will then encourage them to maintain good manners as they get older. 

In the situations when your children are rude (especially to other people), you need to let them know that what they did was wrong. Otherwise, you run the risk of them repeating their behavior further down the line. Obviously, this is something that you won’t want to happen, as it can lead to all sorts of problems, particularly at school and social events. 

2. Embrace Their Talents 

It’s very common for children to have one or multiple talents that they discover, whether they’re sports or music-related. Whatever the case may be, it’s important that you teach your children to embrace their talents and run with them. This often leads to them joining clubs, meeting like-minded children, and having a more prosperous childhood!

3. Honesty 

Children lie from time to time: it’s a universal occurrence. 

However, your children should be taught that lying is wrong. Instead, they should be encouraged to tell the truth – even if they know it’s going to get them into trouble. 

When a child successfully lies, it can often make them believe that it’s an acceptable thing to do. Therefore, if your child is persistently lying, you should immediately put a stop to it. 

4. Value Friendships 

Friendship is a big part of a happy childhood. 

Of course, there will be moments when your children have arguments and fights with their friends. Despite this, they should be constantly reminded of the value of friendships, as it will serve them well as they get older. Plus, in the short-term, it will ensure that they maintain a nice group of friends during their childhood years, from elementary school to high school. 

5. Listen To Other People’s Opinions 

Listening to other people’s opinions is something that many children struggle with! 

Although this is natural in some cases, your children need to be consistently taught that listening to (and valuing) other people’s opinions is incredibly important. 

If your children are to reach their teens and early adulthood with an inability to listen to the opinions of others, then this will have a negative impact on how they function in society. For example, after getting their first jobs, they might struggle to adapt to criticisms and what other people think in the working environment. 

The earlier your children learn to listen to other people, the better it will be for you and them!

6. Patience 

Patience is another excellent lesson to teach your children. 

If you give your children whatever they want when they make demands, then this is bad. 

Let’s say that one of them throws a tantrum when they don’t get what they want, and you immediately cave and get it for them: this completely undermines the importance of patience! Eventually, the problem will worsen as they get older, and their demands suddenly aren’t met as frequently, which is why they need to be taught about patience from an early age. 

If it’s September time and your child is persistently asking for a new games console, tell them that they can have it – but they need to wait until Christmas. Lessons like this are great for teaching long-term patience in children. 


In summary, it’s important to teach your children to: 

• Have good manners
• Embrace their talents
• Always be honest
• Value friendships
• Listen to other people’s opinions
• Have patience 

The earlier these lessons are taught, the more beneficial it will be to you (the parents) and them (the children). 

Good luck!


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24