Monday, July 11, 2022

Health Tips for the Mum to Be


If you have just discovered that you are expecting, this is certainly a time for celebration, while you also need to realise that it isn’t just yours anymore, you are now nurturing a new life inside your womb. Of course, it is perfectly natural to be a little anxious if this is your first pregnancy and Mother Nature equips us with what we need during the 9 months we are with child.

Here are a few tips to help you manage your pregnancy and enjoy the wonders of motherhood.

      Eat a balanced diet – There has never been such a time when your diet matters as when you are with a child. Your diet should include fresh fruit and vegetables and don’t fret if you start putting on the pounds, as you are now eating for two. If you are concerned about your diet, take an A-Z daily supplement, which will ensure that you get all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients you need at this stage of your life.

      Clothing – Search online for Australian-made maternity wear and order what you think you will need; browse the high-quality products, which include handy sets and as your pregnancy evolves, you can add to your collection of pregnancy clothing. Shopping online has never been easier; simply add the items to your basket and head for checkout.

      Exercise – Don’t think that you are turning into a frail person because you are pregnant; you can exercise as normal and even join an expectant mums workout class and ask your partner to accompany you.

      Take frequent naps – Your body is going through some serious changes and it is perfectly normal to be fatigued; when you are tired, put your feet up and take a power nap; the world will get by without you for a while and you do need extra rest. Many women get into a routine starting in the first trimester, which involves a short nap in the afternoon after lunch. Here is a great cookie recipe you might want to try.

      Write things down – There is a lot to remember when you start the first trimester; most women prefer to jot important stuff in a little notebook and we advise you to do just that. You can map out a health plan (see your midwife about this) and create lists of things to do. There are some great resources online that are totally free and you might want to download one of the mum apps that can be found in Play Store.

      Stay connected with friends – Just because you are expecting, that doesn’t mean you should give up your social life; use social media to keep in touch with friends and family and Zoom calls are free! Of course, your friends will want to see as much, if not more, of you when you are pregnant.

There are government resources for pregnant women that can help you in many ways and don’t forget to include your partner as much as possible.



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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24