Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Introducing Whatever Is True & Lovely Devotional Guide: Now Available from Dayspring

**I received a complimentary copy for consideration. Post contains affiliate links. All thoughts are my own. 

 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Whatever is true and lovely. These words from Philippians 4:8 are words that I try to live by each day. And they sound simple enough, don't they? Surrounding ourselves with good should be easy. Still, if we take a look at the world around us, we discover that this is becoming increasingly more difficult. 

So, how do we surround ourselves with good things?

We have to spend less time in the world and more time in the Word!

Today, I'm excited to share a new devotional study guide that can allow us to do just that: Whatever Is True & Lovely by Carrie Cristancho.

About the Book:
Whatever is true, whatever is lovely...

True peace comes when we set our minds on “things above”... on whatever is positive, uplifting, encouraging, or strengthening to our hearts, minds, and spirits. By turning our minds to the beautiful things of the Lord, we receive freedom from guilt and shame, contentment in life, and incredible joy.

By providing practical Bible study tips and favorite journaling techniques, author Carrie Cristancho shares how to make meaningful connections with God’s Word. Your life will be transformed as you dive into Scripture and start seeing the goodness of God at every turn.

About the Author:

Carrie Cristancho, founder and owner of True and Lovely Co., has a passion for the Word of God. Her desire is to share Christ, and creatively encourage Bible study and Biblical literacy through Bible journaling, Bible teaching, and providing resources. Carrie lives in Tennessee with her husband and daughter. She is a graphic designer, worship leader, and artist who loves to collect sneakers, watch old sitcoms, and host game nights.

Throughout the years, I have had the chance to experience many devotional and/or Bible study guides, both as a reviewer and in my own personal time. I have many that I have really enjoyed, and find myself returning to or recommending to others. When I picked this one up, I was not familiar with the author and wasn't sure what to expect. I did know that I appreciated the theme of this one, and knew to expect quality from Dayspring. Once I opened the pages, I immediately fell in love with this book. Not only is it an absolutely stunning book, it is extremely practical too. 

Each day in this devotional guide starts with a verse of scripture and a short devotional reading. These devotions are great on their own, but still nothing to set it apart from most devotionals just yet, right? This is where it gets more interesting. After the reading, we are given that same verse again, broken down with notes from the author. She teaches us how to break down these verses, and then gives the opportunity to do so ourselves with a longer scripture reading, and reflection questions, with plenty of room in the margins for our own journaling. Because the author really teaches us about this style of studying and journaling scripture, I feel like it is something we can use to study the Bible even outside of this particular devotional guide. 

While I have been a pretty avid Bible journaler in the past, I feel like this taught me a new method that I can use in my Bible study time to really help me to better understand and apply what I am reading. While I certainly hope to see more devotional guides in this style (as I do like this more guided study myself), I like that I am learning a skill I can use time and time again. 

If you are looking for a great way to dig deeper into God's Word, I cannot recommend this guide enough. It is available to purchase now on Dayspring. 


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24