Thursday, April 14, 2022

Relative Justice by Robert Whitlow: Book Review

 **I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All thoughts are my own. 

For the attorneys at Cobb and Cobb, the pursuit of justice is about more than legal expertise; it’s a family matter.

David Cobb is not a typical lawyer—he’s more interested in dispensing God’s wisdom than pertinent legal advice. High-stakes litigation is way outside his comfort zone.

For many years Zeke Caldwell has been concocting home remedies made from natural ingredients found in the coastal marshes near Wilmington, North Carolina. One of his remedies proved so effective that he patented it with the help of David’s father. Now he suspects a big drug company has stolen his formula. What he doesn’t know is that the theft has deeper, more evil roots.

When Zeke asks David to help fight the drug company, David knows the suit is beyond his expertise and experience. But his sister-in-law, Katelyn Cobb, is a rising star attorney in a prestigious Washington, DC, law firm. The courtroom is her second home. Could she help? Would she even consider it?

Life’s circumstances compel the lawyers to face, not only patent piracy, but personal obstacles and struggles that threaten to rip apart the fabric of the family. The fight for Zeke requires all the relatives to unite for justice.

Robert Whitlow is the bestselling author of legal novels set in the South and winner of the Christy Award for Contemporary Fiction. He received his JD with honors from the University of Georgia School of Law where he served on the staff of the Georgia Law Review. Website:; Twitter: @whitlowwriter; Facebook: robertwhitlowbooks.

I must admit that Relative Justice is... not quite what I expected. To be honest, I was definitely expecting more of a high paced thriller/suspense read... and this certainly was not that. It was a much slower paced read, with more emphasis on the legal aspects and family relationships. None of this was bad, just unexpected to me. 

The author's knowledge of law was definitely evident in this story. I tend to lean more towards those action paced crime novels as opposed to the court room, but I found it enjoyable nonetheless. I feel like those who do like the court room drama more will certainly enjoy this one even more though. It was well written with lots of interesting characters to draw you in. The slower pace did take me a bit longer to get into, but again this may have had more to do with my own expectations as well. Overall though, it was a good read that fans of legal novels will be certain to want to check out. 


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