Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Is It Beneficial To Take Your Teens To Church More Often?




Sunday worship is a cornerstone part of many people's lives. And for many families, going to church is a compulsory part of living in the same house. And although church membership is falling in the U.S. around half of all people say they participate in a religious organization.

For many teens though, the church may not seem like the most beneficial place. They are in a part of their lives when they are questioning almost everything they know about the world. But at the same time, the church can be a good and safe place for teens to explore their questions about life.

If you're wondering whether taking your teens to church is a good call, just keep reading below!

Teens Want to Learn About the World

As people get older and become adults, the memories of what teenage life was like tend to slip away. They forget the parties and the sense of rebellion, the possibilities in the air and the camaraderie with their friends. It's a time when your choices matter the most, and teens are aware of that.

It is a point in life when they start deciding who they want to become. They start developing independent personalities, separating themselves from their parents. It's all a healthy part of growing up, as long as teens have parents at their side who can catch them when they mess up.

For many teens, a good church can act as that support network. If they decide to skip class to play video games, church members can step in and help them study to catch up in class. This becomes a lesson about the world that will integrate into their personality — their church can be a friend.

A Key Point of Healthy Development Is Agency

As teens start their normal rebellious phases, some parents may feel overwhelmed. Their loving child is growing up and rebelling against them, leading to tension. It can cause arguments and fights.

It's important for parents to remember that the more they fight, the more strain they put on a teen's relationship with God. They are in the process of figuring out their own relationship with Christ. It may not involve following their parents every step of the way.

Instead of fighting about attending Church, parents can recommend teens participate in other religious events. And if they start asking big questions about God, parents should refer them to a faith leader instead of shutting them down.

Parents have a responsibility to cultivate faith in their children, and there is no way to do that without showing love and giving agency.

Church Can Provide a Sense of Community

One of the biggest reasons many people attend church is to feel like they are part of a community. They enjoy spending time with people who know them, and who understand their difficulties. Teens are searching for this exact same sense of companionship.

They want to be friends with people facing the same challenges in school. They want to hang out and complain about their families in the same way adults complain about work. Attending church services can be a great way for teens to find these kinds of relationships.

It is Beneficial For Teens to Ask Big Questions

Whether faith leaders realize it or not, attending church is a way of asking some big questions about life. It's a place to explore the fundamental parts of belief, and to feel safe while also navigating questions without real answers.

In other words, it's a perfect place for teens who are already wondering what their lives may hold for them. A church that encourages big questions instead of censoring them can actually cultivate bright and passionate teens as they enter adulthood.

Church Attendance Can Bring a Family Closer

One of the most beneficial aspects of attending church is that it can bring a family closer. As long as services are respectful, and members of a family respect each other, the church can be a place to build closer bonds.

Of course, there are also many other ways to get closer as a family. To learn more, just keep reading our website.



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