Monday, October 18, 2021

How to get involved with charity without breaking the bank


If you’re the conscientious type, you probably wish you could do more for charity. Whether it’s giving a couple of dollars to a homeless charity or hosting a fundraising event, charity work comes in all shapes and sizes. This guide is packed full of ways to get involved with charity without breaking the bank.


Donate your time


If you’ve got some free time on your hands, consider donating it to charity. There are many easy ways to get involved with charity if you commit yourself to it. You could start by doing something like volunteering at a soup kitchen or offering house cleaning services for elderly people in need (or even just someone who has difficulty maintaining their home but needs help). There are plenty of charity jobs for people who are willing to put in the work.


Donate your skills


If you have a special skill or service that people would be willing to pay for, consider offering it as a charity service. If you’re a printer, why not offer your printing services at cost? Or, if you’re a designer, consider donating your time to create promotional materials for people who work with charities. In this way, you can help a charity without necessarily donating any cash.


Give blood


One of the simplest ways to get involved is by giving blood. Giving blood has many benefits for society, and you may save someone’s life in the process! You can give at your local hospital or blood bank, or look online if there are any mobile blood banks in your area.


Donate food


If you can spare some time and some food, consider donating it to a local food bank. There are many homeless shelters that also serve free meals to the hungry on-site, so you could offer some of these up as well! You’ll not only be helping out with concrete needs like hunger, but you’ll also get involved in charity work that is very hands-on.


Donate your stuff


If you have some extra stuff that you’d like to donate, consider contacting a charity and asking if they’re interested. Many people want to give back in tangible ways but don’t know how or where to start. If you can offer up your old clothes or furniture (even if it doesn’t look very nice), it may just help someone. Just look at the success of Savage New Canaan.


Organize a drive


Charity work doesn’t have to be all about donations. Get the whole family involved in organizing a clothing drive or toy drive, and you can collect items that others might need for their own personal use. This is another great way to give back on a small scale!


Raise funds by hosting a party


If you have some social talents, you could organize your own event to raise funds for charity. This could be anything from a dinner party with ticket sales to a big barbecue or bar crawl that supports an organization of your choice. You can also combine this idea with the toy drive option mentioned above by holding a carnival-style event with games and other entertainment.


Give stock or other financial assets


If you have some money that you’d like to see working for the greater good, consider donating it to an organization that aligns with your values. You could even consult a CFP® professional to help advise you on the best way to do this! If you have stocks that are looking a little low, now might be the time to sell them. You could also give cash or other assets directly to an organization through programs like Kiva or Creative Children Foundation.


Shop at the right places


Some of the most popular charities are actually mega-corporations, so make sure you’re looking at the big picture before choosing which organizations to support. Check out Charity Navigator and give your money to a limited company with low percentages of revenue going towards things other than what they were created for! You can also shop at stores that have a history of giving their profits to charitable causes.


Employer gift-matching


If you work for a company that has a corporate matching-gift program, seriously consider taking advantage of it. You could ask your employer if they will match any charitable donations you make out of your paycheck each month. Or, you could take the extra step and have them contribute to a charity directly on your behalf! This is a really simple way to increase your donation without really increasing the amount of money you have to give. This is especially true if there are certain causes that are more important to you than others, since your employer may not offer matching funds for every charity that you’re involved in or support.


Donate your tax refund


Some people who itemize their deductions each year are able to donate the money that they’d otherwise be paying in taxes back to charity. If you’re eligible for this option it can be a great way to help out and get involved with other people who care about making the world a better place. Sometimes handing over your money to a good cause feels even better than getting a refund.


Ask for gift donations


If you’re an involved member of your community, it can be really rewarding to ask some of your peers or employers for monetary gifts instead of presents. You might not want to do this if you don’t know people that well, but some people are more than happy to give charity as a present to someone they care about. If you have a birthday or holiday coming up, consider asking for donations to your favorite organization instead of gifts. Chances are people will be more than happy to contribute so that they can help out a good cause.


Become an organ donor


Some people might not consider this to be a charity option, but in some cases it really is! If you’re willing to donate one of your kidneys or part of your liver to someone who needs it, then there may be organizations that will help cover the costs associated with donating. Donating bone marrow can also be a cheap way to help save someone’s life. If you aren’t eligible to donate any of these things, consider registering as an organ donor anyway! This will ensure that your organs can be donated after you pass away.


Donate your credit card rewards


If you’re paying off your credit card every month, consider signing up for a rewards program and donating the points you accumulate to charity. This is one of those things that doesn’t take much effort but can have a huge impact on the world around us. You could even help someone in need just by taking advantage of all the great deals you get from using your credit card.


Get a charity-focused credit card



Another great way to help out is by paying for everything with a credit card that gives you cash back or other rewards every time you buy something. You could even consider getting a credit card that will donate money to charity on your behalf, like the Chase Better World Card. This is an amazing option for people who regularly make purchases and pay their credit card bills in full every month. You can feel good about giving money to a worthwhile cause while keeping your expenses in check every month.


Consider crowdfunding


Crowdfunding has become a popular way for people to raise money for charity. If you’re going to crowdfund a project then consider asking your friends and family to donate to a cause that is important to you instead of pitching in for the costs associated with raising money.


This is a great way to get everyone involved and make a big difference in the world!



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