Friday, September 17, 2021

Since You've Been Gone by Tari Faris {Book Review}

**I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All thoughts are my own. 

Leah Williams is back in the quaint town of Heritage, Michigan, and ready to try again to make her business a success. But blank slates are hard to come by, and a piece of her past is waiting for her there. Heir to the Heritage Fruits company, Jonathan Kensington is the guy who not only made Leah's past difficult, he also seems determined to complicate her present as well.

Jon is trying to prove to the Heritage Fruits board that he, not his manipulative uncle, should be running the business. The board insists Jon find a new owner for the building that will house Leah's business. To avoid forcing a buyout of Leah's part of the building, Jon strikes a compromise with Leah, and the two go into business together. With her vision and his know-how, it might work. And Leah might realize he's loved her since high school. If only he didn't keep on shooting himself in the foot by boxing her out of important decisions.

Sparks fly in this romantic story of two people who must learn to trust both each other and the one who called them to this journey.

Tari Faris is the author of You Belong with Me and Until I Met You. A member of American Christian Fiction Writers and My Book Therapy, she is the projects manager for My Book Therapy, writes for, and is a 2017 Genesis Award winner. She has an MDiv from Asbury Theological Seminary and lives in the Phoenix, Arizona, area with her husband and their three children. Although she lives in the Southwest now, she lived in a small town in Michigan for 25 years. Learn more at

Since You've Been Gone is the third and final book in the Restoring Heritage series. While I would highly recommend reading this fantastic series in it's entirety, this could certainly be read as a standalone without any issues too. 

I loved returning to Heritage once again for not just one, but two fantastic new romances. Leah and Jon's was the primary story and was a bit of a second chance love story, which I always enjoy! It was interesting to see them work out their high school misunderstandings and grow closer together, but also to grow as individual people too. Like so many any this series, they were certainly flawed, but it was in those flaws that they---and we as the readers--- were able to see God at work. 

While I enjoyed Jon and Leah's story and chemistry, I must admit that I actually enjoyed the secondary love story between Colby and Madison even more. That story of redemption and grace was just absolutely beautiful too. 

While I am certainly sad to see this series end, this was a great way to end the series! If you enjoy Christian romance, I cannot recommend this one enough. 



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