Friday, September 17, 2021

How to Build a Movie Room for the Family

 The experience of watching a movie on the big screen is hard for most people to replicate fully, but with some effort, you can come up with an enviable version. A movie room for the family will make movie nights better, also making sure your health is not ruined by consuming store-bought treats because you have the option of preparing your own. The following are five tips that will help you build an amazing movie room for your family.

Install Durable Blinds on the Windows

While other home remodels generally aim to add natural lighting to the house, this one should aim to keep it to a minimum. If possible, set up the movie room in a room with a few windows and indirect light from the sun. Blinds will also help keep ambient light out, making the movie room truly spectacular. If you're thinking about installing them, note that aluminum blinds are one of the most low-maintenance and long-lasting window treatments you can find. The fact that they're available for all sizes of windows means that you'll find the right option for your movie room, saving you time and money you would have spent adjusting them for a custom fit. Don't forget to add blackout curtains!

Keep Ambient Sound in Check

Next to light, sound is another thing that you need to keep in check. This will help you get the most out of your sound system when you set one up. Ambient noise includes noise from other people in the house, machines like the dishwasher and washing machine, and your neighbor's lawnmower, to mention a few. Add a layer of drywall or something similar for soundproofing the walls, and use solid doors in place of hollow-core ones. For the windows, use thicker curtains which will help absorb sound, minimizing noise from the outdoors to a greater extent.

Invest in Comfortable Seats

The movie experience is not complete without cozy seats, so add this to your budget. Furniture is the third biggest expense that a person will incur during their lifetime, after a house and a vehicle. This should be enough to tell you that you'll need to set aside a sizable portion of your budget for the seating. To get a good deal, shop around and don't be in a hurry to buy the first recliner set you come across. Being on the lookout for some time will enable you to take advantage of a sale when one comes up, so leave ample time for the furnishings and sound system or other items you need to buy.

Keep it Simple

While you may have come across a hundred fancy decoration tips online and from friends, the fewer decorations you have in the movie room, the better. If you want to hang posters for a complete movie hall experience, keep them away from the front of the room where your screen or projection will be. This will help avoid disturbances to the eyes while watching a movie in low light, a good way to keep your eye health optimum.

Paint The Room Dark

To help with ambient light, a darker room with less reflective surfaces will create a great atmosphere. With painting being the easiest way in which you can increase your home's value by up to $2,001 or a return on investment of 107%, this will be a worthy project.

Relaxation is good for the health, and watching a movie at home as a family is one way to relax. If you want to get the full movie experience, spare some time and set up a movie room and the whole family will enjoy it immensely.


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