Wednesday, August 25, 2021

3 Gift Ideas for a Friend Starting a New Job


Starting a new job is an exciting time. Whether it is a promotion that they have had their eye on for some time or if it is their first job, a friend starting a new job will be looking forward to that first day with anticipation and even some nerves.


If you want to show your friend how proud you are of their accomplishment and wish them well on their first day, you should consider a thoughtful gesture like getting them a gift to commemorate their first day. This can be a great way to share in this exciting time in your friend’s life and let them know that you are thinking of them as they start the next chapter of their professional life.


That being said, finding the right gift for such an occasion might be a bit of a challenge. You want to find something that marks their accomplishment, but that is not unnecessarily over the top.


If you are currently on the hunt for the perfect gift to get for a friend who is starting a new job, here are three suggestions to consider.


1. Something for Their Desk


One classic gift idea for someone starting a new job is to keep on their new desk. This is a versatile gift that can essentially be anything that is small enough to fit on a desk.


While a meaningful photo in a nice frame is a good option, you can take things a step further and get them a three-dimensional photo in the form of a crystal keepsake. Such a gift can beautifully showcase a memorable photo and even include a lighted base for an additional effect.


You can design and order the perfect crystal keepsake at a 3d crystal shop just in time for your friend’s first day at their new job.


2. A Plant for Their Window


Another gift that would be appropriate for such an occasion as a friend’s first day at a new job is a plant for their window. Not only do plants add a nice touch to any office, but there are even some, like a Chinese money plant, that are meant to invoke prosperity and wealth.


Even though a plant cannot bring someone more money or good fortune, it can make the perfect addition to any new office from a décor standpoint.


3. A Smart Mug


At the start of a new job, there is always so much to be done. From settling into their new office to meeting their co-workers, your friend is likely going to have very little free time in the coming weeks. So make sure that they can enjoy a hot cup of coffee in the morning by getting them a smart mug.


This is a mug that will keep their morning beverage of choice at the perfect drinking temperature, even if they have to set it down for some minutes to handle some task or another.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24