Friday, July 23, 2021

Elevate Your Little One's Safety With These Toddler-proofing Ideas


Having babies around is a blessing. There's nothing more overwhelming than bringing your newborn home for the first time. But amidst all happiness and celebrations, there's one thing you need to prioritize after you bring in your baby. And that’s your baby’s safety.


Ideally, baby-proofing the home starts long before your due date. Many parents use the pregnancy time to bond with each other and stock up on all the baby essentials they'll be needing after the birth.


But you need to know that it is really, really easy to keep your newborn safe; toddlers need a watchful eye.


Toddlers are curious about literally everything. As soon as your little ones start crawling and grabbing, they try to lay their hands on anything in their sight. And they would even go to greater lengths for that. And most of the time, that's not safe.


So, here are some tips that can help toddler-proofing and ensuring that your home is safe enough for your baby on the move. Remember, they are smarter than you give them credit for.


     Start with anchoring the furniture in the nursery


Little ones spend a lot of time in their nurseries. So, it would definitely be a smart move to start with making necessary changes in the nursery.


First of all, you'll need to anchor the furniture to the nursery's wall. See, toddlers love to explore, and in their quest, they often end up hurting themselves. You'll be surprised to know that around 26 children die every year due to furniture falling on top of them. Obviously, no one wants that to happen to their kids. That's why you need to nail large dressers, bookcases, and everything else in your toddler's room to steer clear of any accidents


     Keep stuff out of sight, out of mind


As outlined above, toddlers often get tempted by stuff around them. So, you need to make sure that there are no sharp objects or any other things around your little one's crib. For this, you need to take a baby's eye view to look for things your toddlers might get their hands on.


Also, you would need to keep the toxic stuff out of your baby's reach. It would be best if you consider keeping all your cleaning supplies, medication, and other chemical-based stuff safely in child-resistant packaging and place them in a different room for maximum safety. It would also be great if you keep your makeup and accessories beyond your toddler's reach.


     Have latches and locks everywhere


When it comes to toddler-proofing your home, putting latches and locks everywhere in the house should be on your priority list. We can’t stress this enough toddlers can be mischievous, and they like to meddle with stuff for no reason.


For instance, they love opening drawers, cabinets, and doors. In that case, there's a good chance that they might end up hurting their cute little hands. So, you need to make sure that you put child-proof locks and latches made up of sturdy materials on every door, drawer and cabinet.


Final Words,


Undoubtedly, as parents, you might want to keep your baby safe from potential hazards and risks. That's the whole point of toddler-proofing. Right? If you are new at child-proofing, then there's a good chance that you might feel overwhelmed with everything. So, you need to pick the right products in the parenting market with a plethora of features to maximize your toddler's safety.




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