Monday, July 5, 2021

Birthday Gift Ideas To Honor The Hero In Your Family


If you have a military member in the family, celebrations can be a time filled with both joy and anxiety. Gifting is an important part of any celebration, so this can spark some anxiety when you don't know what gift you can get to celebrate the hero in your midst.

If your military family member is deployed, you will need some extra creativity to celebrate them. This will be in their honor as well as for the sake of kids you may have. Read on for some great ideas of gifts you can get for your hero on their special day.

Dolls and Portraits

Granted, the dolls are more of a gift to children of deployed heroes and will work along the lines of providing warmth and comfort to your little ones while their family is far away. You can have these handmade easily online, and let your babies know that as long as the doll is near them, so are they, at least in spirit.

The portraits on the other hand will be a great gift for your deployed family member. You can present it to them when they arrive home and hang it up together. Like with the dolls, the portrait can be a reminder that you are always close by in the thoughts of your family. It will also be great for you to have a professional portrait. Much better than a phone selfie!

Homemade Gifts

A homemade gift is sure to warm the heart of the recipient, whether it's a collage, scrapbook, card, or ornament. With these, it is often the thought that counts, considering how much time and effort was put into them.

The whole family can take part in this, making the gift a warm collaboration of love and joy sent in the mail.

Gift Cards

Gift cards are perfect whether your loved one is deployed or they are at home. They can be for anything at all, including for some self-care while they are home. Think, a nice gift card for a local spa to get a facial or massage.

They can also be for restaurants, book stores, movie theaters, museums, photo sites, or a favorite shopping store. Since gym memberships have grown by nearly 20% since 2008, and are expected to grow by another 23% over the next 10 years, a gym membership gift card is also a good one to think about.

Engraved Gifts

These are another idea that will bring warmth to your hero. They can be engraved wood or metal gifts; either for wearing or displaying in their space. With about 35% of customers finding out about local businesses from seeing their signs while passing, you can chance on a shop that deals with engraved items.

More unique, custom, but professionally done gifts along these lines are dog tags, chess sets, utility tools, watches, clocks, and even compasses. Since you know your hero's taste best, you can even get a book of memories for them if you think they would enjoy it, and have it leather-bound by a professional.

Display Cases for Flags, Medals, or Coins

If your hero is decorated and proud to serve, you can get them a custom display case to place their medals, coins, flags, and other paraphernalia. If they have a Silver Star which is the third-highest military combat decoration that can be awarded to a member of the United States Armed Forces or other high-ranking stars, you can have a special notch on the display case for it.

Celebrating our heroes for the sacrifices they make goes a long way. Helping them deal with the stress and trauma that they undergo daily is going to benefit them greatly.

You can also find some other self-care tips online to share with them and let them know how to cope. While this may not come in a gorgeous gift box, it will be something they remember you warmly for.

Gift ideas are as widespread as the unique traits of each hero, so make sure to consider this while shopping for something they will love.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24