Thursday, May 20, 2021

Female Hair Loss and How to Deal With It


Losing your hair can be a source of sadness and lead to a negative body image. For many women, their hair is a representation of their femininity and suffering from alopecia can cause distress. What causes it and what can be done?


There are many causes of hair loss, but one contributory factor is stress. Hair follicles switch between growth and rest and extreme emotional trauma can interrupt the cycle causing hair loss. Thankfully, this is usually a temporary state and will return to normal once the stress has passed. Very tight hairstyles also put stress on the hair follicles and repeated use can then cause the hair to break and thin in certain areas.

The most extreme form of hair loss is alopecia. Alopecia is an autoimmune illness and can cause the hair to fall out suddenly. It is a distressing condition and may leave the sufferer confused and anxious.

At times hair loss can be caused by nutritional deficiencies so booking an appointment with a professional nutritionist can help identify what you need to add to your diet. Iron deficiency commonly causes hair loss and can be treated with iron supplements and iron-rich food.


For minor hair loss issues caused by medication, hairstyles or nutritional deficiencies, there are simple solutions to trigger growth and get your hair back to its former glory.

Although there is no cure for alopecia, there are various treatments available to stimulate hair growth. Corticosteroid injections can be injected into bald spots to encourage growth by suppressing the immune system through their anti-inflammatory action. Although successful, sometimes it does take time to see results so should not be seen as a quick fix.

If you may need a solution while treatment is working, you could check out who offer a variety of custom-made wigs that are stylish and natural. They offer various colors and you can book a consultation to discuss your needs.

Mental health

Hair loss can have a negative impact on mental health. Anxiety and depression can be a direct consequence of extreme conditions such as alopecia. Most cultures recognize that luxurious hair is integral to youth, beauty and good health and losing this attractive feature can be devastating.

It is useful to try and find ways to stay positive despite your hair loss. Recognizing that it is not life-threatening can help you gain some perspective and not allow it to overwhelm you. You should also remember that hair is not your only attractive feature. A beautiful smile and compassionate nature will make you attractive to everyone and is more important than physical features. You can talk with beauty therapists who will help you find a style and offer help and advice.

If you find your self-esteem and confidence are affected (for instance you are not engaging in activities the way you used to), you could try talking to a counsellor or therapist who will listen to your concerns and offer some advice. There is no shame in seeking help when you are experiencing mental health problems and it may well improve stress levels and ease depressive feelings.

Suffering from hair loss can be temporary or long-term, but with a positive attitude it need not take over your life and you can be happy.


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