Thursday, December 31, 2020

A Complete Guide on How to Attend Church Online During COVID-19


Has COVID-19 shaken your faith? It’s no secret that it’s been a terrible time for many of us, especially with the hardship of having to stay home.

Staying at home means missing out on Sunday church day, but the great news is that church services have now moved online. Many churches are broadcasting online, letting you attend from the comfort of your home and providing spiritual motivation to power through the coming week.

Wondering how you can attend church online during COVID-19? If so, please keep reading to find out.

Check How Your Church Is Streaming Online

Wondering how to attend church online? If you’re already a member of a church, ask them when and how you can watch from home.

Many churches are using platforms such as Facebook Live and Zoom to broadcast their services to parishioners at home. Your church can give you instructions about how to connect, but the good news is that it’s easy—as long as you have an internet connection, you can sign in.

For your first time, try to log on a bit early to check that your sound and audio are working correctly.

What if you don’t already have a church? That’s ok—you can take a look at a few churches online until you find one that matches your beliefs and ideas.

Watch With Your Family, Just as You Would Normally

When it’s time for the streaming service, just log on with your family and watch from home! You can broadcast the service from your computer, but if you have a smart TV, you may also want to watch it on the big screen, so that it’s easier for everyone in the household to see.

Even though you’re watching church from the comfort of your home, you still may want to dress smartly, just as you would if you were attending church in person.

Feel free to behave just as you normally would, so it’s encouraged to pray, sing along with the hymns, and listen intently to the sermon.

Stick Around for the Fellowship

One thing many of us enjoy about church is the fellowship—chatting to those around us and getting to know fellow churchgoers over a cup of coffee. However, the good news is that you can still connect with others online!

Most churches will offer small prayer groups or fellowship sessions before or after the service, letting you break into groups online to talk to one another via video. Life can be lonely during COVID, so it’s a great idea to get to know others online.

Attend Church Online With These Simple Tips

Life may have changed a lot in recent months, but that doesn’t mean church has to stop. Use these tips to learn how to attend church online, helping you stay connected with a higher power during trying times. 

Find the right church for you, log on, and then get ready to have a spiritual, fulfilling church service—without having to leave your couch!

Did you find this article helpful? If so, please keep reading for more family and lifestyle tips.



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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24