Friday, October 23, 2020

Brought to Book Blog Tour: Book Review + Giveaway

** I received a complimentary copy of this book for consideration. All thoughts are my own.  

About the Book


Book:  Brought to Book

Author: Barbara Cornthwaite

Genre:  Christian cozy mystery

Release Date:  June 24, 2020

There’s nothing in Emily Post about dealing with murder.

Katrina just wanted to spend time among the books at Frank’s Bookstore. Yes, that’s an unimaginative name for a store, but Frank’s an unimaginative guy–or he was.

Now he and his murder are the reason Katrina is spending her spare time with Wilkester detective, Todd Mason. Or, that’s what she tells herself.

Why would anyone want to kill Frank Delaney? Who would do it? And is Katrina herself even safe?

Mixing faith, literary humor, sweet romance, and a cozy mystery that will keep you guessing, Barbara Cornthwaite’s first Wilkester Mystery has everything you want for a cozy read.

Begin your investigation of Brought to Book today.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Barbara Cornthwaite lives in the middle of Ireland with her husband and children. She taught college English before “retiring” to do something she loves far more; her days are now filled with homeschooling her six children, trying to keep the house tidy (a losing battle), and trying to stay warm in the damp Irish climate (also a losing battle). She is surrounded by medieval castles, picturesque flocks of sheep, and ancient stone monuments. These things are unappreciated by her children, who are more impressed by traffic jams, skyscrapers, and hot weather.


More from Barbara

Meeting of the Minds

A Wilkester Mysteries Introduction

Detective Todd Mason knew Katrina was the one the first time he met her. The woman had witnessed a murder—if not with her eyes, at least with her ears. She’d seen the man dying and called for help, afraid all the while that the killer would return for her. So much he’d been told before he went into the interrogation room.

“How’s she handling it?” he asked the officer who had arrived first at the scene and escorted her to the police station.

“Not too badly,” said Gary. “She’s in shock, of course, but she’s trying to hold it together. Katrina Peters. She’s in Room 2.”

He’d gone in then and gotten his first look at her. Late thirties or early forties. Brown hair that fell to her shoulders in loose waves. Brown eyes that were red-rimmed from crying. Hands clutching a tissue. She managed a faint smile when he walked in.

“Hello, Ms. Peters. I’m Detective Todd Mason. I need to ask you some questions, if that’s all right.”

“Miss,” she said, almost as a reflex.

“I beg your pardon?” Todd wasn’t sure he’d heard her correctly.

“It’s Miss Peters.” She said it firmly, repudiating the term Ms. even at such a stressful moment. Something made her blush then, and he saw her glance at his left hand. “Never mind,” she murmured.

She’s afraid I’ll think she’s trying to advertize her availability. It amused Todd to see the blush—if only she knew how refreshing it was to see a woman who would even be conscious of such a thing. Old fashioned, he thought. In a good way.

She answered his questions as calmly as she could, and even apologized for the tears that insisted on coming out now and then. When she alluded to Daniel in the lion’s den, he knew she really was out of the ordinary, and it took all his self-control not to offer to drive her home himself.

To join the investigation, read your copy of Brought to Book today.

My Thoughts

There is something about a book taking place in a bookstore that will draw me in each and every time... and Brought to Book was no exception. Just one look at the cover and a skim of the summary had me dying to get my hands on this one! Let me just say, it did not disappoint. Packed full with talk of old books, literary references, a book lover protagonist and of course, the bookstore... this truly is a story that book fans are sure to enjoy... I know I certainly did. 

In this first book of the new Wilkester Mysteries series, we are introduced to Katrina- a professor and a book lover as she becomes a witness in the murder of bookstore owner Frank. With her relationship to the crime and her knowledge of books, she finds herself growing close to detective Todd Mason. Filled with murder, break ins and the world of book forgeries, this story had me on the edge of my seat. And of course, I loved watching the relationship between the two begin to develop. I enjoyed these characters so much that I was thrilled to discover it was in fact the start of a series.

I tend to enjoy cozy mysteries for two reasons. First and foremost, I just love a good mystery. Beyond that though, they tend to be clean reads which I really prefer in a book. This one was not only clean, but actually had some really great Christian elements within the story that made me enjoy it even more. Truly, I cannot wait to see what happens next in the series! 

Blog Stops

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 10

21st Century Keeper at Home, October 10

The Avid Reader, October 10

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 11

Remembrancy, October 11

For the Love of Literature, October 12

Worthy2Read, October 12

Genesis 5020, October 12

deb’s Book Review, October 13

Blogging With Carol, October 13

Robin’s Nest, October 13

Texas Book-aholic, October 14

Losing the Busyness, October 14

April Hayman, Author, October 14

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, October 15

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 15

Inklings and notions, October 16

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 16

Daysong Reflections, October 16

Older & Smarter?, October 17

For Him and My Family, October 17

Ashley’s Bookshelf, October 18

Just Your Average reviews, October 18

Lis Loves Reading, October 18

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 19

As He Leads is Joy, October 19

Emily Yager, October 19

Sodbusterliving, October 20

Artistic Nobody, October 20 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Labor Not in Vain, October 20

She Lives To Read, October 21

Bizwings Blog, October 21

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, October 21

Godly Book Reviews, October 22

Mary Hake, October 22

Vicky Sluiter, October 22

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, October 23

Sara Jane Jacobs, October 23


To celebrate her tour, Barbara is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a paperback of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. Thanks so much for the thoughtful and kind review! So glad you enjoyed the book!

  2. I really enjoyed the description of the book. Sounds like a great read.

  3. Wonderful review, Randi! Brought to Book sounds like a delightful read. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I'd love to read Christian cozy mysteries. I've never run across them before. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. This was a good book! I really enjoyed it, and was kept guessing to the end.

  6. I really enjoyed the description of the book. Looking forward to reading it.

  7. This sounds like a really good read.

  8. It looks like an interesting read.

  9. "Yes, that’s an unimaginative name for a store, but Frank’s an unimaginative guy–or he was."

    There's no such thing as an unimaginative book store owner, lol.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24