Friday, September 6, 2019

Human Kindness In The Face Of Adversity

Human Beings Band Together To Show Hurricane Dorian That Kindness Always Wins
Human Kindness Shines In Wake Of Devastation Of Hurricane Dorian
The Depth Of Human Kindness In The Wake Of Devastation 
Hurricane Dorian has been wreaking havoc in the Carribean, bringing devastation to the Bahamas in its wake, while moving sluggishly toward the southeastern United States. Dorian hit the Abaco Islands and Grand Bahama as a Category 5 storm, with winds that reached 185 MPH as it made landfall. There it remained, a swirling maelstrom of destruction, for 36 hours until moving north.

With a confirmed death toll of at least 20 people, first responders and emergency aid workers are scrambling to search the wreckage, but the destruction is so severe that certain places have been unreachable for rescue teams. In the United States, 90% of natural disasters declared by the President involve some sort of flooding, and already parts of the Southeast U.S. have declared states of emergency. As the Bahamas begin to pick up the pieces Dorian left, residents of coastal Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas are nervously watching, preparing, and evacuating.
In all this, we're consistently reminded of the destruction, damage, and danger that walk in tandem with natural forces like Hurricane Dorian. What isn't highlighted enough is the response of human togetherness in the face of these dangers.
Three examples stick out, particularly, and all three are reminders that in adversity, we've still got each other's backs.
While the U.S. is the world's third-largest seafood consumer and celebrity chef Jose Andres has made some wonderful culinary delights in that arena, Hurricane Dorian has shifted his focus. Renowned for humanitarian feeding efforts, after the hurricane left the Bahamas, he and his team helicoptered in with 2,000 sandwiches and 1,000 oranges for people who had largely lost everything. The following day, he reported planning to ship between 5,000 and 7,000 more sandwiches to the devasted island. His organization, World Central Kitchen has fed millions of people affected by natural disasters and he reports that he plans to serve some 10,000 meals in the Bahamas, but will bring even more if the numbers in need increase. Even though trucks haul 71.5% of the nation's freight, this has been a consistent job of boats, planes, and helicopters. Though, it's not only the large scale efforts that make a difference.
From a world-renowned chef to a 6-year-old kid, the spirit of giving shines ever brighter. Jermaine Bell, a South Carolina resident, was saving money to go to the Animal Kingdom in Disneyworld. Upon hearing about Hurricane Dorian causing people to evacuate, the 6-year-old used the money to buy hot dogs, chips, and water. Some 68% of people make shopping decisions while driving, so Bell set his sign along a route that hurricane evacuees were driving. However, there was no shopping because Bell gave the refreshments away for free, saying:
"The people that are traveling to other places, I wanted them to have some food to eat so they can enjoy the ride to the place that they're gonna stay at. I just wanted to be generous."
Finally, two named human heroes are followed by one who wished to remain anonymous. CNN reported that he walked into a Costco in Florida and purchased 100 generators and an assortment of miscellaneous supplies which were shipped directly to the Abaco Islands by boat. Among power, food, and shelter, there are 3 million people who visit Urgent Care centers in the U.S. every week and Dorian had all but wrecked the places that overwhelming amounts of medical attention are being called for. For all this, his final receipt came to $49,285.70, and his response was simple:
"It's important that we help each other out. It's better than just sitting there," he said. "You see a need and you fill it."

In case you needed to be reminded of the expanse of human kindness, it's out there and it's flourishing more than we're made to think. Go out, do good, and others will follow.


  1. There is always kindness if you look for it (and practice it)


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24