Monday, July 8, 2019

Stories of the Night Blog Tour Excerpt + Giveaway


Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for Stories of the Night by Lauren Smyth, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

Title: Stories of the Night 
Author: Lauren Smyth 
Publisher: Ambassador International 
Release Date: July 1, 2019  
Genre: YA Suspense

Alisen, a teenage girl, is routinely awakened by the same terrifying dream.

The nightmare gets more detailed and longer every night, but the terror remains the same. She tries to dismiss it as something she ate, or maybe a book she read, but then she meets Kale.

Kale is having the same nightmares.

Believing there must be a deeper meaning, Alisen and Kale delve into politics and biblical prophecy. Together, they discover that everything in their dreams has a counterpart in real life, which leads them to believe that something terrible is coming. Is there any way avoid this catastrophe and save thousands of lives? Or will their worst dreams come true? They must choose whether to turn to God or to each other to save them from the very end of the world.

Stories of the Night combines political intrigue, biblical prophecy, and military adventure into a suspenseful story that leaves the reader with the choice of where to place their ultimate hope.


Lauren Smyth is a sixteen-year-old homeschooler with a passion for writing, acting, and music. As the daughter of an Air Force fighter pilot and university professor, she has lived in many places across the United States and Europe, from which she gained her love of travel and foreign languages. She currently lives in Ohio with her parents and her two cats.  

CONNECT WITH LAUREN: Website | Instagram | Twitter

“People who believe in the Bible—who truly believed in it—were supposed to believe they went to heaven or something after they died. They had no fear. And Jay wasn’t unhappy,” he added, “but her life here was far from joyful. She believed a reward was coming . . . she believed it would be better this way.” Kale closed the journal.

“You’re saying,” sniffled Alisen, “that she died believing in a lie?”

“No-o,” said Kale. “I haven’t investigated this yet. None of us have. All I’m saying is, she didn’t feel that death was some kind of punishment. For her it was just a transition to something she had been waiting for.”

Alisen took the black journal, stained with blood, and looked at it. Finally, she whispered, “Why can’t I have the same kind of peace as Jay did?”

She flipped the pages until she came to the words, “The message of the book was clear: God himself had sent His Son—His only Son—to die for me, to keep my sins from overcoming me and dooming me to hell that was worse than this hell on earth I had created for myself. I had questions; oh, so many questions. The first and hardest was simply: Why? Why me? I had done nothing to deserve it. I had only been very fuzzily taught about morals before my parents died, but I knew I had done and stood party to some terrible things, especially in company with the I.P. How did I deserve such a sacrifice? And what made it harder even to understand was the fact that I had never known the love of my parents—they had died before it could become familiar and safe to me.”

“Is there really a God?” Alisen cried. “Why is He letting this happen? Where is He now?”

(1) winner will receive a signed print copy (US only) plus (1) additional winner will receive an ebook

Full tour schedule at JustReadTours. Giveaway will begin at midnight July 8, 2019 and last through 11:59 PM EST on July 15, 2019. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. Print US only. Ebook available internationally.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.


  1. i wish her the best and the book sound great become a best award author

  2. This sounds intriguing! Can't wait to read it! ❤


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24